Saturday, September 18, 2010

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Diaspora comes a surprise new Twitter Facts

Per il 15 settembre aspettavo con trepidazione l'avvento di Diaspora , candidato erede di Facebook (anche se non ci crede nessuno), ma più che l'esordio di un social network come lo aspettavo è stato il rilascio della piattaforma in pre-alpha, come dire che solo per una beta ci sarà da aspettare ancora non poco.
In quello stesso giorno (guarda che casualità) è però arrivato il Nuovo Twitter , now on the Twitter page will be more interactive and you can see photos and video without the need for power twitter, not everyone has been well received this little revolution and accused of facebookizzarsi Twitter (twitter is we are worse than Facebook respect of the fans of Ligabue Vasco), but I think it is far from bad as made from Twitter, in fact, as I said, after the new Twitter services were already used by many with power and the various twitter desktop client that allows you to see pictures and videos without having to follow the links.
facebookizzazione No, ah, the hated world of the ephemeral and flooding the boards of strange offers of cows, pigs and so on (social networking yes, but farmers and ranchers), Twitter has just realized that its user is like the old platform and simple, the limit of 140 characters, but having to leave the site to see a picture or video was a nuisance and has provided also with the new interface to navigate between the profiles is much faster. Among other things, that content will be visible only "expanding" the tweet, twitter pages will stay pretty clean as before. So
useful mini-revolution in my opinion.
I hope they have taken the opportunity to optimize the whole (Twitter is over capacity is never a pretty sight), here is the video presentation of New Twitter.


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