Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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Ballarò of October 5, 2010. Depressing. Waiting

Yesterday Ballarò has hit rock bottom, not that of Usually it was too distant, but a semblance of the information program had.

The theme of the episode would be duvuto: The Government has earned the trust but the air is already one of the campaign. Judiciary and new parties are the hot topics. But those are important for the country? And Berlusconi wants to govern or tip the election?

Accomplices little guests involved by Floris (Di Pietro and Annunziata), inept and sold (Brambilla and Belpietro), who tried to get by in apparent nonsense of the whole evening (Renzi) and last but not least Flavia Perina megagalattico that makes a figure by claiming that the ignorant roads are to be implemented in many separate lots. You save
economist Irene Tinagli with its few but brief, targeted interventions, which should offer a fixed contract Floris (once you find someone who knows about that better not risk losing).

whole episode has seen Brambilla protagonist and his bunch fosforenscente tending to orange with the usual theater of "Do not make me talk "," Enough about Berlusconi, Italians do not care "," TV Process "," The results of our government ... ", backed by the philosophy (of staminchia) of facciadibronzo Belpietro short, nothing new to that part of them.
Even Di Pietro has met the expectations giving us the only ray of sunshine in the evening with" The Rai has Minzolini "thanks Antonio.
worth deepen the discourse Perina, for the uninitiated, the streets are at the same time have to make many different batches of a few miles, otherwise you feel like fare 10 metri uno dopo l'altro ogni giorno se devi farne 400 km , bene per lei (evidentemente una pioniera dell'ingegneria stradale) il metodo è sbagliato, vale sempre la regola che se non si sa di cosa si parla è meglio star zitti.


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