Saturday, September 18, 2010

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Diaspora comes a surprise new Twitter Facts

Per il 15 settembre aspettavo con trepidazione l'avvento di Diaspora , candidato erede di Facebook (anche se non ci crede nessuno), ma più che l'esordio di un social network come lo aspettavo è stato il rilascio della piattaforma in pre-alpha, come dire che solo per una beta ci sarà da aspettare ancora non poco.
In quello stesso giorno (guarda che casualità) è però arrivato il Nuovo Twitter , now on the Twitter page will be more interactive and you can see photos and video without the need for power twitter, not everyone has been well received this little revolution and accused of facebookizzarsi Twitter (twitter is we are worse than Facebook respect of the fans of Ligabue Vasco), but I think it is far from bad as made from Twitter, in fact, as I said, after the new Twitter services were already used by many with power and the various twitter desktop client that allows you to see pictures and videos without having to follow the links.
facebookizzazione No, ah, the hated world of the ephemeral and flooding the boards of strange offers of cows, pigs and so on (social networking yes, but farmers and ranchers), Twitter has just realized that its user is like the old platform and simple, the limit of 140 characters, but having to leave the site to see a picture or video was a nuisance and has provided also with the new interface to navigate between the profiles is much faster. Among other things, that content will be visible only "expanding" the tweet, twitter pages will stay pretty clean as before. So
useful mini-revolution in my opinion.
I hope they have taken the opportunity to optimize the whole (Twitter is over capacity is never a pretty sight), here is the video presentation of New Twitter.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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Ol3Media CFP: Horror live

unpredictable success of Blair Witch Project to Paranormal Activity , the horror film has seen the emergence of a new genre: the horror that is the reality ' horror in real time.

Beyond the possible labels this trend has been the big news of expression of horror cinema, near the eastern wave of the early years of the new millennium.

Reference Titles del filone: Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, Le cronache dei morti viventi, Rec, Rec2, Cloverfield, The Contenders, Il fiore della vendetta.

Il prossimo numero di Ol3Media cerca brevi saggi che possano offrire spunti di riflessione e chiavi di lettura sull’argomento.

Queste alcune possibili prospettive dalle quali analizzare il fenomeno:

Horror in direct and cross-media storytelling,

Horror in live, the fear in subjective

Horror in direct marketing strategies and cinematic

Horror in direct and aesthetics of digital

Horror in live productions and low budget,

Horror in direct digital reading as b-movies of the '70s,

Horror in direct as metacinema,

Horror in direct and styles of script,

Horror in direct and technical director,

Horror in direct contact and bond with the esthetics of the game.

proposals also will be evaluated properly analyze the problem from other angles.

The selected essays will be published in next issue of Ol3Media online in mid-January 2011. The proposals, together with a brief biography of the author (5 / 6 lines), must be received by September 30, 2010 while the accepted papers must be completed and sent by November 10 (if in English) or December 15 (in Italian though) editing necessary.

The length of essays should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words. We welcome hyperlinks to other sites, videos, photos. Jpg image to the maximum size of 200 kb can be sent for inclusion in the assay. Any further information will be sent to the authors of essays selected.

For information and sending proposals: and

Ol3Media is the online magazine Film, Television and Media Studies, Master of Cine & TV, University Roma Tre: / master / RadioTv /

Barbara Maio

Editor Ol3Media

barbara.maio @ uniroma3 . it

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Definition Of Jazz In Poetry

you were to live as brutes ... Bossi Brunetta

Sorry for the terrible picture but yesterday these two elements gave their best, worst laws on their own.
For the first, Italian Umberto Bossi (born in Cassano Magnano and then Italian), it is difficult to say the least, the worst is its ordinariness.
Already famous for his various convictions and had arranged for his brother the palace, during the gathering of fools of the Po Valley was not made to miss the usual dose of insults and threats at random.
The nonsense in front of a ill put more public about him that's worth mentioning:
"No vote, I'm not fine ' Without taking into account that the only elections that threatened until now it was him. Bella also
" are not like changing the flag Fini" in a blaze of flags of the state inesitente.
I think it was struck by a rare disease of the hiccups Fini, failing to finish a sentence without saying it.
Finally note of the news: it seems that the rally has ended without incident. Unfortunately .

For the second character, tolto dal freezer da Bonaiuti dopo 4 mesi con la solita consegna di andare in giro a dire qualche cazzata ci ha deliziato con «PD partito con anima squadrista e reazionaria» , detto da lui che vorrebbe che la sinistra «andasse a morire ammazzata» ... (cosa che gli valse il primo soggiorno nel freezer di Bonaiuti).
Oggi purtroppo Bonaiuti era impegnato a cambiare discorso sui disastri del capo all'estero e non ha potuto badare a Renato che, convinto di seguire le consegne, ha dichiarato «Calabria Napoli e Caserta sono un cancro» , non sicuro di essere stato capito per il mancato applauso ha insistito con «un cancro sociale e culturale. Un cancro etico, dove lo Stato non c'è, non c'è la politica, non c'è la società» (mentre una balla di fieno gli rotolava davanti)... Bonaiuti starà riaprendo il freezer.
Inoltre è memorabile il suo sostenere che avrebbe potuto vincere il nobel per l'economia, un tipo per nulla pieno di sè insomma...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Twitter vs Facebook

Certo che se mi dovessi basare sulle immagini...
L'ispirazione per questo post da questo articolo in MondoInformatico , ho sentito il need to go into a little speech.

With the premise that Facebook and Twitter are two very different services (and nothing prevents us from using them both), even though they are two social network is like comparing two images hosting services ...

Without dwelling on the fact that Facebook has many more users, which is important but not useful step in the comparison between two services to its peculiarities.

Facebook and shouts
could not find better name for the Facebook page and its a showcase exhibition of anything, links, photos, games, in short, something to see (sometimes too much and should be used to Purity FB) is forever.
But I do not dwell on Facebook because we all know ;-)

Twitter and its
Home The home of Twitter is comparable to the board of Facebook, a page where we see all the messages of those who follow, photos and video.

fundamental difference , can I follow on Twitter Barak Obama, Lady Gaga, Coldplay, and so on and so forth, and read their messages on my home without them should also follow me!
not believe that they really are?
On Twitter accounts of famous people are checked, if you look at the pages I linked shows "Verified Account".
Possiamo mandare messaggi a tutti e tutti possono risponderci senza doversi seguire a vicenda.
Le foto possono essere postate tramite o , non serve registrazione basta quella di Twitter, esistono tanti siti che offrono tanti servizi, possiamo assimilarli alle applicazioni di Facebbok.
Possiamo vedere immagini e video nella home di Twitter grazie a PowerTwitter , ma avremo il meglio con uno dei tanti programmi per usare Twitter dal desktop.
Su Twitter non ci sono gruppi, ma da un certo punto di vista Twitter è un grande unico gruppo grazie alle hashtag.
Vuoi parlare e commentare ad esempio Xfactor? Scrivi un messaggio includendoci #xfactor4 , cliccando on hashtag you can see what the world says about Twitter live on that.
With the ability to read what it says the world on a given subject at that twitter is a great source of information.
The limit of 140 characters sometimes leads to strive to compress a message, but shall receive the read speed ... and from mobile phone use is a blessing. In a word
Twitter is communication. Giorgio Gaber sing

Maybe Facebook is right, Twitter is on the left.
Twitter is like a concert in the stadium where all are neighbors and talk, Facebook is the beautiful swimming pool blue and transparent, with lots of accessories to try.

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gladly point out the blog CrossMediaPeppers managed by my friend and colleague Corrado Peperoni.
The blog aims to deal with the issue of competence and ease cross-media, a term now much used (and often abused) but which are still too many misunderstandings.

Knowing the power of the writer, I'm sure the blog will soon become a reference point for the study of cross-media in Italy.

Good luck with Conrad and happy reading!

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Soulseek: find music unavailable

Fourth of P2P : In
Soulseek Soulseek chat Direct Connect as an important part of the program, there are many rooms dedicated to particular genres, but the program is not widespread in Italy and the rooms are the largest foreign. The program unfortunately is not multidownload.
The strength of Soulseek is to be intended primarily for music file sharing, so you can find music very rare.
Scarichiamoli by and run it, is a very simple and light, we should start to enter a Nick and Password to taste (do not forget it).
If there comes a wrong password message it means that the nickname is already in use and we should try another by Connection - Login as .
Once connected we should first specify a port open in router and firewall Options - General Options and File Sharing Configuration choose which folder the files are downloaded and which folders to share. On
Search Files to search, the results are written in black-tailed by the user free, they can download without waiting, plus it shows the download speed of the user, the quality file and possibly the size of the queue.
the list on the right we can choose a chat room, usually the rooms are distinguished by country and genre.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

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Guide to Direct Connect - ApexDC + +

Guide third of P2P programs , Direct Connect + +.
DC differs from other P2P programs mainly because of the importance of IM than Torrent, Emule and other has a place in the foreground.
On the network there are thousands of Direct Connect Hub, "rooms" with other connected users, your users will be connected with us in the hub that download what interests us.
Un'altra cosa importante di DC è la presenza in ogni Hub di operatori che garantiscono il non proliferare di condivisione selvaggia di file fake o inutili e il supporto a chi ha bisogno di aiuto.
Esistono tantissimi client per questa rete e tanti ottimi, mi baserò su ApexDC++ .
Dopo la veloce installazione al primo avvio il client ci si presenterà con la finestra delle impostazioni aperta dove dovremmo inserire un Nick.
In Connection setting la solita formalità delle porte, anche se in DC il colpo d'occhio è meno immediato rispetto ad altri programmi.
In breve se siamo dietro a un firewall o router e non abbiamo aperto le porte dobbiamo impostare Firewall (passive, worst case), altrimenti impostiamo Firewall with manual port forwarding scrivendo le porte TCP e UDP a destra, infine badiamo che in External / WAN IP sia scritto il nostro IP.

L'impostazione senza porte aperte viene comunemente chiamata modalità passiva (obbligata per i fastweb) e le altre Modalità attive
I pochi che ancora usano un Modem possono spuntare Direct Connection.
In Download impostiamo le cartelle di scaricamento e in Sharing le cartelle che condividiamo, per tenere una qualità alta di file condivisi la maggior parte degli Hub, ma non tutti, richiedono una condivisione minima di file utili (non programmi installati or incomplete files) of at least 1 Gb.
After indexing the files we can choose the Hub and go to start downloading.
The first icon in the top bar identifies the list of public hubs around the world, opened a hub for various search we can click on the magnifying glass to see the window of the research results we will see even that user have free slots, Double click and the download will begin.

investigate aspects of DC.
The difference between assets and liabilities, the assets to discharge all the liabilities from its assets alone.
Hub favorite recording, writing in mainchat / fav put quell'hub Favourites (star-shaped icon) to find them easily in the future. Registration is not required to download most of the hub, but recorded, in addition to intervals smaller research, we will make sure that no one can enter a nickname the same as ours.
You can get Apex in Italian translation by downloading here extracting the file and selecting it from Settings - Appaerance, after doing so you must restart the client.

Hub And here are some to start:

Monday, September 6, 2010

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Quick Guide to BitTorrent

Second guide to the programs mentioned in the post and not P2P programs, it's time for BitTorrent. Downloaded from the Client and file for translations. A BitTorrent
not need installation, just put the downloaded exe file and the translations in the same folder and then start it.
We asked if we want it as default torrent client, and you say we go in Options. In
Folders decide where to download the file, Connection denote an open door in the Router and Firewall (not essential but useful), in Banda can indicate any limits of upload and more importantly raise the maximum global connections and connected peers per torrent and Bittorrent enable encryption protocol.
files we have to look on torrent sites or search engines for torrent as isoHunt , we order the results by number of Seed and clicking on the file we are interested to download a small file. Torrent, we can directly choose Open With, and, Seed according to the number of your download will begin immediately. File
with many Seed, 50-up, can quickly reach high speeds.
list of sites and search engines for torrent

Stumble this also add-ons that allows searching on many torrent sites via a toolbar in your browser.

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Looks on the Territory: farm park south Milan/Sguardi sul Territorio: il parco agricolo sud Milano

On next 9th of september opening of my personal exhibition , with my friend Mirko Bozzato photographer and graphic designer, 7.00 pm at  Gheroartè , “laboratori di espansione creativa” (warehouses of creativity expansion), in Corsico (Milano, Italy). "Looks on the territory: farm park south Milano" is the title/theme of the expo. Farm park of south Milano is a reality Mirko and I both appreciate the biggest green area of Milano: a beautiful reality that need to be protected by building speculation. The expo is about a collaboration between us ...we are really friends since we were kids and he started to take pictures about the awesome landscapes there during last two last years: i proposed him to re-work with my style on his photos. The prints of Mirko's photographs will be show on some standings, mine will be project on a screen in big size; i also create a playlist selection of ambient and micro-electronic music from North Europe bands like Sigur Ros, Lali Puna, Mum, Notwist King of Convenience and so on:  I found them good to give the right support to the images.
Im very glad finally i made a big work on landscapes images, trying to give them a sense of dramatic force to represent all the pressure by the building interests around the park-area: the idea is use my  textures to show a hidden dark side that could  break the peace and the beauty of this place.
Artist and curator  Antonella Prota Giurleo , our "mentor" and great friend, thanks very much for her precious work and support!

The next opening on September 9 at 19.00 (with samples of products distributed by South Park cheap Corsico) of the exhibition my camera and Mirko Bozzato, photographer and graphic designer at Gheroartè-expanding creative labs c / o Ex Railway Station Corsico, Via Gramsci 4, Corsico (MI) tel / fax 02/45103113 - 349/4759779-333 / 4333040. The theme / title of the photo exhibition è "Sgurdi sul territorio: il parco agricolo sud Milano", una realtà che io e Mirko aprrezziamo molto e che va protetta  dalle spinte di speculazione edilizia. L'esposizione nasce come collaborazione tra di noi....siamo amici da motlissimi anni e Mirko negli ultimi due anni si è soffermato su questa area verde percorrendola e fotografandola con un occhio sempre attento e ispirato. Così gli ho proposto/chiesto di poter lavorare con il mio personale editing di post-produzione sui suoi lavori. Le stampe delle foto di Mirko saranno esposte in un allestimento di tipo standings e le mie ri-elaboarazioni saranno proiettate su un grande schermo; mi sono occupato della "colonna sonora" compilando una playlist di bands nord-europee quali Sigur Ros, Lali Puna, Mum, Notwist King of Convenience, and so on, which I think can give proper emphasis to the photo. I am very happy to have finally worked up images of landscapes, trying to give them a sense of drama to represent the forces and pressures of speculative interests, not least the World Expo in Milan in 2015: the idea is to use and terxture editing, trying to catch a dark side that casts a shadow on the peace and breaking the beauty of this green lung.
artist and curator Antonella Prota Giurleo, our "mentor" and a great friend always, thanks very much for your valuable assistance and all the support!

official statement from :
Looks territory: the agricultural park South of Milan
photographic exhibition of Mirko Bozzato
rework digital Gianmario Masala
Mirko Bozzato Gianmario Masala and worked from a fact appreciated by both the Milan South Agricultural Park. A huge park which stretches from west to east around the city and which is a green lung for Milan and its territory. Both authors believe that the park should be protected from the possibility of building and speculation.
Mirko Bozzato achieved in two years of work, a series of color photographs and
in black and white. At different times of day and different seasons in the photographer
suspect, moving by bike from his home in Caggiano, the southwest area
the agricultural park, fascinated by an area, discovered by accident.
In the exhibition, the photographer describes as "A small portrait of an urban area
single, to be jealously preserved for all that gives to those who lo incontra. Un
territorio fatto di terra, acqua, lavoro, storie….. che spero di riuscire a trasmettere a
chi le guarderà, insieme a un po’ di curiosità che potrebbe spingere tutti a visitarlo”
Nato a Milano nel 1963, dopo il Liceo artistico Mirko Bozzato si è occupato di grafica
editoriale, di immagine e di web. Attualmente svolge l’attività di grafico all’Università
Bocconi di Milano e collabora come Art Director free lance con diverse case editrici di
Milan and its province. Always been passionate about photography has taken his shots "in
drawer" until about a year ago, when I accidentally made them see and he was
Council to share.
Gianmario Masala, a digital artist and photographer with significant experience in
field of music and film, an architect by profession, has worked in the Design
international Alchemy (in collaboration with Alessandro Mendini ), and assignments
in the field of public works and of ' school construction in the province of Milan and
Regione Lombardia. Has always used the medium of photography as an aid for his
work. In its research activities both in terms of photo enforcement of shots
from that of digital reworking, is more interested in people
rather than landscapes.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Opening 19:00
with samples of products distributed by South Park Merry Market Corsico
soundscapes / soundtracks selected by DJ Jean (aka Gianmario Masala)
inauguration are invited:
Maria Ferrucci, mayor of Corsico,
Domenico Finiguerra Mayor of Cassinetta Lugagnano,
Rosella Blumetti and Nadia Landoni, Councillor Corsico
Maria Grazia Vantadori, councilor of Gaggiano
Bruna Bremer, provincial councilor
Dario Ballardini for Buonmercato
Antonella Prota Giurleo, artist and curator
Association Humus in Fabula
Association Gheroartè - creative labs expansion
c / o Ex Railway Station Corsico
via Gramsci 4, Corsico (MI) tel / fax 02/45103113 - 349/4759779-333/4333040

Sunday, September 5, 2010

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How to download with XDCC

And here's the guide for the program mentioned in the first post on P2P and , this is the case of a program that is not P2P Mirc .
first download Mirc into Italian by , when the final translated version is 6:35 so I will base myself on that.

extract it from the compressed folder and boot mirc.exe, the first time we will see the window where Options include Name, Email (not necessarily the real ones) and Nick.
jump directly to the DCC board and select "file self-acceptance" In
Folders where we decide where it will download the file by changing the default Type and eliminating other possible entries. In
Ignore , we Method Disabled
We are now ready for download, mirc does not need to open ports in your router or firewall on we can conduct the research.
Move your mouse over the results will see a box with links to enter the channel and the message (/ msg) to write to the channel to start the download, usually the download starts immediately, but sometimes have to wait, if we wanted to try another bot after it is good to be queued deleted from the queue with the command / msg xdcc NomeBot remove.
If the link of the channel is not given correctly can click on the name of the network to the right and find the address of the server to the new page, when connected to the server to write the Mirc command / join # channelname to enter the desired channel.

Miscellaneous Commands:
/ server IndirizzoServer - We go into a server (for use in the Status window)
/ join channelname - We enter a channel (for use in the window of a Server)
/ msg NomeBot xdcc send # NPack - We request to download a file (for use in the window of a channel)
/ msg NomeBot xdcc remove - We delete from a queue (for use in the window of a channel)

Another site for the research is also most of the channels have their weblist not carry the addresses because they often change but it will be easy to find after they have entered in the various channels, or by searching on google xdcc list.

That's all for XDCC.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

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P2P programs and such use and why

start by saying that there is no definitive file sharing program that works for everyone and everything, it depends on what we want to download, so the ideal is to have different programs and use the most convenient from time to time.
variables to be considered for selection are: download speed and type of files to download.

XDCC - Guide to XDCC
not relatively easy to use other programs (at least) but as download speeds there is no comparison with anyone else, to be used especially for very new file, for the older is not ideal because they are hard to find and often there are not at all.
XDCC is part of the popular chat program mIRC in quick to download xdcc with websites should consult the lists (eg ), once found in that channel and bot is the file that we are interested enter the channel through Mirc and use the command / msg xdcc send # nomebot NPack , in most cases the download will start instantly and at 100-200 or Kb / s. XDCC not is based on P2P but the download is from the server, so it's so fast. fake files or viruses: none .
Client for Linux: XChat or Konversation

Torrent - Guide BitTorrent
Another program from the download very fast and recent files, P2P is so much matter sources, a file with Seed lot (complete sources) can exceed the speed XDCC. Also we have to look for torrent files on the web ( ). Search of torrent sites or download a small torrent file. Torrent, file to be opened with a torrent client as BitTorrent. fake files or viruses: virtually none .
Client for Linux: Ktorrent or Vuze

Direct Connect , DC + + for my friends - Guide to Direct Connect
P2P program that achieves good speed in relation to the number of sources, is good for recent files or not. On DC is more important than other programs open doors in router and firewall (to be active and earning sources).
addition to the exchange file is very oriented chat, useful to ask for support. Once the client (eg Apex ) must open various hub and you can do your search results by user getting all the Hub where we are connected. fake files or viruses: virtually none .
Client for Linux: Jucy and Valknut

not need any introduction, certainly the most widely used program, and then with the most user files and also old.
Why I put it only on the 4th place? Because the download is almost always slower than the previous for this, in my opinion, it is good to use only Emule when we do not find the file we are interested in other programs. File fake or virus: high-risk .
Client for Linux: Amule

program very useful for music files, any mp3 that is not found in all other ... there is here.
Client for Linux: Nicotine

shared files on Megaupload, Rapidshare and brothers. There are search engines to find files hosted on that type of sites, convenient way to quickly download a small file that we can not find anywhere else.

In other posts will analyze these programs one by one .. stay tuned

Friday, September 3, 2010

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Farewell Choqok, Pino, Qwit, Echofon. For now.

August 31 From Twitter accepts only login with the OAuth protocol thus making it unusable so many clients that use the method http and almost all those for Linux.

Even Echofon is unusable (at least for linux)
Echofon does not support this platform or build custom Firefox. (Can not get OAuth signer.) / Cc ['@ / TwitterFox-sign, 1'] is undefined (Fx version 3.6.8 / ABI x86_64-gcc3)
waiting for clients to be updated, you can use TwitterGadget for iGoogle.

UPDATE 09/09/2010
's version Echofon work.

UPDATE 10/09/2010
Qwit ready for OAuth with version 1.1-pre2