Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Xanax To Help Quit Smoking

Meetings in library: "the writing of art" / Incontri in Biblioteca: "la scrittura dell'arte"

Tomorrow 3th of november 2010 opening of the collective of art in Gallaratese Library, in Milano: " the writing of art ". The collective will be there until 30th of november: curator is Antonella Prota Giurleo  and artworks are from Fernanda Fedi , Antonella Prota Giurleo , Antonio Sormani and Franco Tripodi . Readings by Daniela Aronica e Loretta Lo Giudice. Visiting time: monday to friday 9.30 am - 9.30 pm, wednesday morning closed, saturday 9.30 am - 7.30 pm.

The expo comes from the passion for the "written paper" and books of the artists, so their pieces speak the language of art. 
Fernanda Fedi usually create her artworks with signs referred to the the origin of writing itself, in a fascinating way of expression and beautiful results.
Antonio Sormani in his painting is looking for a relation between form and object, a balance between abstraction and figure (see the report  of another personal of Antonio in this post ).
Franco Tripodi created in 1993 an alphabet where every symbol correspond to a letter: captivated by this, now he uses a reworking of this process on signs in his artistic works.
Antonella Prota is able to find her inspiration to create in everything she sees: brushes, objects, photographs, papers, and so on abandoned stuff, coming to get a painting or collage But Also an installation, Often in unexpected result. Here she used old books from the library to build artist's book and geometrical forms: Somehow something new and creative.

From the original press release:

I deeply love reading, love books and writing tracks on the sheets, I love to watch unknown alphabets and discover the beauty of form, I love libraries, those public, especially, but also private ones. Enter a house my eye and I find myself running around to look at pictures and browse the book titles stroking the back, rejoicing to find in the libraries of friends and friends of books that I have or I have friends.
Accumulation always written paper, it is impossible to go into a library or library and get out, despite the initial determination, without at least one book in his hand. I can not think that a book can be thrown or used as pulp, so recovery, recovery, recovery ... and build, build, build.
This passion, which sometimes results in the fixation, is become a starting point for this exhibition of art writing. A title suggested by Franco Tripodi seems to me to return the sense of the deep bond that unites each other, and not just because the first forms of writing were ideograms, or because the painting has been for centuries the only form of knowledge and know for the classes excluded from education, but for the wisdom that underlies the one and the other, which combines knowledge and wisdom to know how to do so in writing as in painting and in all visual languages.
I thought it would be interesting to compare, from the common love of reading and writing, the way through which Fernanda Fedi, Antonio Sormani, Franco Tripodi and I express these passions through the language of art.
exposing our works in a library, of course: Gallaratese library, a library I love, like many others, but where I find that more of availability and expertise that make me feel at home.
Fernanda Fedi usually use, signs that refer to writing or constitute the alphabet. Signs that show the old, the archetype of writing itself and its origins in a continuum of time and space that brings the magic of a mode of expression and communication that is fascinating both for the beauty of the signs for the wisdom of the invention.
Anthony Sormani investigates, through painting, the relationship between form and subject in a search for balance suspended between figuration and abstraction. Who can observe, through his personal recollection of forms, to redefine the subject painted. Traces of writing letters sometimes approached for purely aesthetic reasons, and short phrases inserted in the composition evoke a knowledge and a collective knowledge of the properties of writing even when this is incomprehensible.
Franco Tripodi in 1993 invented a game, an alphabet to communicate in code, an alphabet in which every symbol is a letter. The game, as often happens, he almost forced the artist, fascinated by the beauty of the signs, for deep analysis and a reworking of the signs that have become an integral part of his artistic work.
In this library I have been made available for use as pulp books, books that I have turned into artist's books or geometric shapes, which ho sepolto sotto la cenere o sotto la stoffa del burka. Anche nelle situazioni più difficili, come in carcere o laddove alle donne viene vietato l’accesso all’istruzione, la scrittura è stata ed è sinonimo e motivo di sopravvivenza. 
Antonella Prota Giurleo


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