Ol3Media CFP: Cinema and Comics
Il 2011 si appresta ad essere un anno caratterizzato dal cinema tratto dai fumetti con l’arrivo sullo schermo di nuovi eroi come Thor o Capitan America, con l’analisi delle origini di X-Men, con l’ormai comune utilizzo del 3D. Queste due forme di intrattenimento popolare hanno spesso condiviso la loro strada ma solo negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito ad una vera e propria invasione dei fumetti sul grande schermo anche di personaggi secondari.
Il prossimo numero di Ol3Media cerca brevi saggi che possano offrire spunti di riflessione e chiavi di lettura sull’argomento.
Queste alcune possibili prospettive dalle quali analizzare il fenomeno:
l’estetica the staging of comics;
authorial interpretations of the comic (Tim Burton, Sam Raimi, Christopher Nolan, etc..)
serialization vertical (sagas) and horizontal (spin-off);
Cosmetics DC Comics vs. Marvel;
the digital image processing (Sin City, V for Vendetta, 300, etc..)
non-US productions (Asterix, Akira, Adele etc.)
The Italian cases (Paz!, Dylan Dog, etc. .)
Adaptations not mainstream (Ghost World, Scott Pilgrim, Constantine etc.).
lesser-known comics (Kick Ass, Tamara Drew, The Green Hornet, Green Lantern, etc..)
Adjustments between mainstream and cult;
The use of 3D in the recent adaptations;
television adaptations (Walking Dead, Batman etc.).
also proposals will be evaluated properly analyze the phenomenon from other perspectives.
The essays selected will be published in next issue of Ol3Media on line in mid-June 2011. The proposals, together with a brief biography of the author (5 / 6 lines), must be received by March 15, 2011 while the accepted papers must be completed and submitted by May 15 for the necessary editing. The essays will be in Italian or English and will be published in the language of origin.
The length of essays should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words. We welcome links to other sites, videos, photos. Jpg image to the maximum size of 200 kb can be sent for inclusion in the assay. Any subsequent instructions will be sent to the authors of essays selected.
For information and sending proposals:
ol3media@uniroma3.it or barbara.maio @ uniroma3.it
Ol3Media is the online magazine Film, Television and Media Studies, Master of Cine & TV, University Roma Tre : http://host.uniroma3.it/riviste/Ol3Media/
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