Questa breve premessa è per presentare il nuovo show della AMC, The Walking Dead . La serie è tratta dalla graphic novel di Robert Kirkman ed è portata sullo schermo da un nome di sicuro richiamo, quel Frank Darabon t che ci ha regalato uno degli horror più angoscianti degli ultmi anni, The Mist , e regista del film cult Le ali della libertà .
La storia è raccontata dal punto di vista dello sceriffo di polizia Rick Grimes ( Andrew Lincoln ) che si risveglia da un breve coma dopo una sparatoria in servizio, to find themselves in a city abandoned and infested with zombies, with no idea what happened and where is his family. After an initial moment of adjustment and understanding, due to an encounter with a survivor, Grimes decided to go to Atlanta where he is said to be refugees are survivors.
In the first episode are given some information preparatory to the development of history and is still not explained the reason for this epidemic, but we know that is not a necessary factor in this genus. There are 6 points for this mini-series that has created an agonizing wait for months. The premises are good because the pilot is extremely nice and charming, though necessarily explanation and presentation of some characters. Beautiful photography and care in the scenery, certainly in film.
One factor is the guarantee that the signing of the AMC as the case with the network for a fee (see HBO and Showtime), is aiming at producing a small but quality that you see a few titles ( Mad Men, Rubicon, "Breaking Bad ) well cared for and original. Just as HBO has been able to focus on vampires of True Blood to get new impetus after the end of the Sopranos , so the AMC because of the zombies try to enter the Olympus of the big networks and exit from the niche where quality though has been so far relegated.
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