From today 30th november to the 4th of december 2010 the collective artist's book about and the projection of the dvd Farm south park Milan " CasArcobaleno at Via Arcangelo Ghisleri Lotto R Quartiere Scampia in Naples (Napoli).
Artist's book group Italia Brasile : Seven and seven Italian artist from Brazil, Thereza Christina de Azevedo Iacob, Maria Luiza Cangeri, Mara Caruso, Francesco Ceriani, Maria Araujo Darmeli, Jacira Fagundes Gretel Fehr, Doral Konrad Schuck, Nadia Magnabosco, Marilda Magni, Ana Luz Pettini, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Luca Rendina, Antonio Sormani
Artist's Book " Love is the job? ", Angelo Caruso, Patrizia Di Siro, Gianni Maffi, topylabris, Enza Tamborra
Dvd Farm south park Milan" by Mirko Bozzato and Gianmario Masala, about Their expo in september of last Milano.
Circular project, about the mail art on Water common good from the University of Rio Grande do Sul: Alexandra Eckert, Amanda Bennett, Anderson Zang, Anita Porto Art'Mara, Bibiana Lais Carvalho, Ceiça Alles, Cenir Barpp, Dai Linck, Deborah Souza, Elisandra Galle, Fabiane Stoffel, Fabiano Mendes, Fernandes de Christo, Janaísa Galz, Katia M. Algaier, Lina C., B., Lippert, Lívia dos Santos, Lurdes Blauth, Mara Wunder, Morga Light, Natalia Hübner, Silvana Maranzana, Suellen Schott, Tereza Preussler, Tessa Nogueira, Vera Wild. Curator: Antonella Prota Giurleo.
The expo is about the project "Beauty Will Save the World" promoted by Occhi Press That Works in Naples and CasArcobaleno, open to women kids and children to help people on culture and creativity in a very uncomfortable and poor place like Scampia district area.
From the original press release:
Show: collective
Title: fotolibrArte
Location: Via Arcangelo CasArcobaleno Ghisleri District Lot R Scampia Naples
Opening: Tuesday, November 30 11:30 am
Duration: until Friday, December 4
Hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 15 to 18 hours
Artist and artists:
Artist's book collective Italy Brazil: Thereza Christina de Azevedo Jacob, Maria Luiza Cangeri, Mara Caruso, Francesco Ceriani Maria Araujo give it to me, Jacira Fagundes, Gretel Fehr, Doral Konrad Schuck, Nadia Magnabosco, Marilde Magni, Ana Luz Combs, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Luca Rendina, Anthony Sormani
Artists' books: Angelo Caruso, Patrick Siro, John Maffei, topylabris , Enza Tamborra
DVD: Mirko Bozzato, Gianmario Masala
Draft circular Alexandra Eckert, Amanda Borges, Zang Anderson, Anita Porto, Art'Mara, Bibiana Laís Carvalho, Ceyx Alles, Cenir Barpp, Dai Linck, Débora Souza, Elisandra Galle, Fabiane Stoffel, Fabiano Mendes, Fernanada de Christo, Janaísa Gälzer, Kátia M. Algaier, Lina C., B., Lippert, Lívia dos Santos, Lurdi Blauth, Mara Wunder, Morga Luz, Natália Hübner, Silvana Maranzana, Suellen Schott, Tereza Preussler, Tessa Nogueira, Vera Wild
Presentazione: fratel Enrico Muller
Curatrice: Antonella Prota Giurleo
Informazioni: fratel Enrico: 3473364487
Antonella Prota Giurleo 3470312744 e-mail: a.protagiurleo @
continues with this exhibition, The Beauty Project save the world promoted by the cooperative that acts eyes open in Naples in the neighborhood of Scampia.
further opportunity after the Art Symposium of 2009, an exhibition of mail art and the Symposium of 2010 to confront contemporary art in a space, to CasArcobaleno, open for rea offer women, girls and boys, the ability to recover the time and energy to appropriate education and culture.
Exhibition of works already presented in Milan, at several exhibitions.
Artist's book collective Italy Brazil.
Artist and artists in Milan and Porto Alegre will exchange ideas and proposals in a collaboration between cultures, Italian and Brazilian, which lasts for several years. The proposed theme is the journey, in its various meanings, real or imagined, life as a journey, the dream as a journey of the mind ...
Partidas and LLegadas, start and finish the collective title of the book like an accordion, played the theme with different sensibilities and modes of expression, from painting to engraving, from computer art to collage.
Seven artists from seven Brazilian and Italian artists and performers, are compared in a succession of images and a very stimulating exchange of views.
Artist's books on the theme of Love is a job?
A play on words to return to issues on which developing Archinto texts published by the publishing house, a love note at work and the other, the artists and the artists who played for recovery using both methods of concealing and hiding or bundling), which reveal that of illustrating the feelings through images photographs.
Dvd Milan South Agricultural Park
Two artists, one, Mirko Bozzato through a report on an incredibly prejudice to the natural level in the immediate vicinity of the city of Milan, 'Another, Gianmario Masala through image processing of first, give us a sense of nature worked and dreamed.
Project A circular convening a special participation of mail art on the theme Water common good: a series of small cards made of screen printing. The cards are the result of the plan CIRCULAR, a project started in 2008 at the University of Rio Grande do Sul, project involving students and former students, faculty and invited artists.