part of this trend: produced by ABC and Fox, has a pedigree of quality. The creators are in fact Richard Hatem (Supernatural , Lost Room, The Dead Zone ) and Grant Scharbo .
The story is about a cop who moves with her family from Chicago to violent The Gates, a sort of country-building enclosed by walls and gates, where people should live in peace away from the violence of the world outside. What we find now is that violence is really inside The Gates and that its inhabitants are vampires, werewolves, witches, etc..
The theme is one of those very close to the U.S. culture where the unthinkable province hides secrets behind a seemingly idyllic. From Twin Peaks to Desperate Housewifes, the topic is dear to Americans who like to dig deep into their deepest secrets.
But the series fits securely in a location that now more so, where supernatural creatures live together more or less peacefully. The risk however is to work to build up and find themselves in the history too many paths. And, in fact, what happens in The Gates not fully convincing because it also seems to be missing completely the irony in a story that instead would require a lot to be able to attach the public, partly because the investigation of the protagonist can not be fully attributed to a police drama, lacks coherence and compactness.
The series is now in its first season and certainly has room for development. We'll see if the authors manage to keep the story coherent horizontal not forget to put some episodes stand-alone monster of the week ", that is, simplifying the formula for success of series like X-Files and Fringe .
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