Monday, October 25, 2010

Homer Simpson Crotch Tatoo

Mail art about water, a collective: the report

Flyer of the event

I'm very late with the reports of all the expos we announced here but finally there the mail art initiative about water that have been place on last 2th of june 2010.
As I ve already said in the first article many people sent their works and as u can see they were settled up open air.

There were also my photographic composition "water is life", that you can see below, among the others

Gianmario Masala artwork and others
Beside all the artwork arrived via mail there were some artworks from Mirko Bozzato , Gretel Feher and Loredana Scarian:

Mirko Bozzato photographs

Gretel Feher artwork

Loredana Scarian artworks

The were also some works made by Mari Jana Pervan and Veronica Menni.
As you know the theme of the artistic event was the law about privatization of the water service supplies by the italian government. In many regions of Italy the local authorities have refused the privatization process and affirmed the same as the UE Parliament and modified their statutes to protect water as a good common.

So that day there were also a meeting with some personalities from the local government city of Corsico, provincia of Milan and journalists to explain how the new national law works and how to contrast it: really an interesting event for all the people living in the area, beside all the artworks in the exposition.

I'm very late with all the reports of the exhibitions here announced, but finally here is the initiative of mail art on the water as a common good, which took place last June 2, 2010. As already written in the first article lot of artists have posted their work and as you can see from the photos were placed in air ... literally hanging. There was also my photographic composition "Water is life", as you can see below, among others. In addition to suits the works were also exhibited works come Mirko Bozzato, Gretel Scarian Feher, Loredana, and installations by Mari Pervan Jana and Veronica Menni.
As you know the theme of the art event was the recent law of the Italian government about the privatization of public water supply service. In many Italian regions local authorities have refused privatization and said the principle established by the European Parliament of water as a common good for humanity.
So that day there was also a meeting with local dignitaries of the city and the Province of Corsico di Milano, oltre ad alcuni giornalisti per esporre e spiegare gli aspetti della legge ed i modi per contrastarla: davvero un interessante evento per la gente del luogo, oltre alla bellezza delle opere esposte.
(Photos by Gianmario Masala and courtesy by Antonella Prota Giurleo, edited by Gianmario Masala)

Monday, October 18, 2010

House Hold Lubricants For Mastetbating

The Gates: The Gate

As mentioned in previous posts, the current U.S. television season is characterized by a preponderance of the supernatural series that decline in different formulas. The Gates
part of this trend: produced by ABC and Fox, has a pedigree of quality. The creators are in fact Richard Hatem (Supernatural , Lost Room, The Dead Zone ) and Grant Scharbo .

The story is about a cop who moves with her family from Chicago to violent The Gates, a sort of country-building enclosed by walls and gates, where people should live in peace away from the violence of the world outside. What we find now is that violence is really inside The Gates and that its inhabitants are vampires, werewolves, witches, etc..

The theme is one of those very close to the U.S. culture where the unthinkable province hides secrets behind a seemingly idyllic. From Twin Peaks to Desperate Housewifes, the topic is dear to Americans who like to dig deep into their deepest secrets.
But the series fits securely in a location that now more so, where supernatural creatures live together more or less peacefully. The risk however is to work to build up and find themselves in the history too many paths. And, in fact, what happens in The Gates not fully convincing because it also seems to be missing completely the irony in a story that instead would require a lot to be able to attach the public, partly because the investigation of the protagonist can not be fully attributed to a police drama, lacks coherence and compactness.

The series is now in its first season and certainly has room for development. We'll see if the authors manage to keep the story coherent horizontal not forget to put some episodes stand-alone monster of the week ", that is, simplifying the formula for success of series like X-Files and Fringe .

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Taking Yaz As Emergency Birth Contorl

Great evening last night at Laurentianum

our last night. Elio Canestrelli has enchanted us with his "The evolution of science from Newton to astronomy and mathematics."

rainy evening that while he gratified the work of amateurs!

Elio Bravo!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Memory Stick Pro Duo 4gb Magicgate Driver

Movement comet 103P Hartley

Here is the brief video made with frames obtained during the night of 10-11 October.

The comet, very weak, it is still managed by the city sky, unfortunately, more and more polluted

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nex Grill Searing Burner Replacement

Cometina 103P/Hartley

shooting from the garden of the house last night

I fixed the telescope positioned in the garden, and they will ...

4 minutes with 35 poses SC8 "reduced to 6.5 led by equinox and EOS550D 80 @ ISO 800 Filter UHCS.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Addison's Disease Arrhythmia

Haven: The mystique of Maine

Ha debuttato negli Stati Uniti lo scorso luglio la nuova serie di SyFy, Haven . La serie, sviluppata dal duo creativo Sam Ernst e Jim Dunn parte da un racconto di Stephen King , The Colorado Kid .
La storia adatta molto liberamente lo spunto di partenza e vede una agente dell'FBI Audrey Parker ( Emily Rose ) che arriva - non tanto casualmente - in una ridente località del Maine dove periodicamente accadono i "problemi", fatti particolari che riguardano la città e i suoi abitanti, da strani eventi metereologici a sogni che uccidono a invecchiamenti precoci.
Durante la prima indagine Audrey - orfana e cresciuta senza conoscere i suoi genitori - scopre sul giornale locale una foto di anni prima dove compare una donna che potrebbe essere sua madre e decide di fermarsi in città per aiutare la polizia locale e cercare di scoprire qualcosa del suo passato.
La serie ha già avuto una stagione da 13 episodi ed è stata riconfermata per una seconda.

Il tono della serie mescola drama e comedy a, ovviamente, fantasy. Le premesse assicurano la possibilità di sviluppi infiniti poichè i "problemi" possono riguardare tutto e tutti. La trama orizzontale del passato di Audrey può tenere legato lo spettatore. Haven non è un capolavoro ma funziona: la debolezza è proprio nelle storie fantastiche che a volte sembrano un po' troppo esili e, soprattutto, la risoluzione è spesso rapida e poco giustificata. La qualità è invece nei personaggi, simpatici e misteriosi quanto basta, ma soprattutto nella location, il Maine appunto dove una Haven esiste realmente. Gli splendidi paesaggi con fari che si affacciano sul mare in tempesta o su uno splendido tramonto, le casette colorate che si sviluppano sulle strade cittadine, gli splendidi boschi locali, fanno da cornice a queste storie alle quali, in un posto magico come questo, si può anche credere.

La serie fa parte del nutrito gruppo di fantasy che hanno segnato la nuova stagione televisiva, serie che declinano il genere in modi diversi, da The Gates to Lost Girl, which I'll discuss shortly.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Patent Template For Word

Ballarò of October 5, 2010. Depressing. Waiting

Yesterday Ballarò has hit rock bottom, not that of Usually it was too distant, but a semblance of the information program had.

The theme of the episode would be duvuto: The Government has earned the trust but the air is already one of the campaign. Judiciary and new parties are the hot topics. But those are important for the country? And Berlusconi wants to govern or tip the election?

Accomplices little guests involved by Floris (Di Pietro and Annunziata), inept and sold (Brambilla and Belpietro), who tried to get by in apparent nonsense of the whole evening (Renzi) and last but not least Flavia Perina megagalattico that makes a figure by claiming that the ignorant roads are to be implemented in many separate lots. You save
economist Irene Tinagli with its few but brief, targeted interventions, which should offer a fixed contract Floris (once you find someone who knows about that better not risk losing).

whole episode has seen Brambilla protagonist and his bunch fosforenscente tending to orange with the usual theater of "Do not make me talk "," Enough about Berlusconi, Italians do not care "," TV Process "," The results of our government ... ", backed by the philosophy (of staminchia) of facciadibronzo Belpietro short, nothing new to that part of them.
Even Di Pietro has met the expectations giving us the only ray of sunshine in the evening with" The Rai has Minzolini "thanks Antonio.
worth deepen the discourse Perina, for the uninitiated, the streets are at the same time have to make many different batches of a few miles, otherwise you feel like fare 10 metri uno dopo l'altro ogni giorno se devi farne 400 km , bene per lei (evidentemente una pioniera dell'ingegneria stradale) il metodo è sbagliato, vale sempre la regola che se non si sa di cosa si parla è meglio star zitti.