Monday, June 14, 2010

Between Period Cramps

War and peace, international expo of artist's book

Tomorrow 15th of June openin g of the international exhibition of artist's book at Quintocortile gallery in Milan, Viale Bligny 42, 6:30 pm. The expo will take place until 25th of june.

The curator is Evelina Schatz, the artists here:
Eugene Albert Schatz, Boris Bel'skij, Loriana Brown, Maura Cantamessa, Frank Cucci, Fausta Dossi, En Nico, Fernanda Fedi, Gretel Fehr , Mavi Ferrando, Gino Gini, Granaroli Claudio, Enzo Guaricci, Aleksandr Lavrent'ev, Pino Lia, Ruggero Maggi, Nadia Magnabosco, Marilde Magni, Maiorova Marica, Margherita Mariani, Mauro Olgiati, Valentina Persico, Lucia Pescador, Mikhail Pogarskij, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Francesco Puggioni, Victor Ribas, John Rubino, Evelyn Schatz, Stefano Soddu, Anna Spain, Fausta Squatrito, Andrej Suzdalev, Armanda Verdirame, Rosanna Veronesi.

From the original press release:

Tolstoy's War and Peace was published almost 150 years ago.
Napoleon's war ended nearly 200 years ago.
World War II ended 65 years ago.
The wars of the world, that of 30 years to 100 years, the wars of the twentieth century, short calls (Hobsbawm)
because his time was consumed by war, including The Cold War at a time peace. In short, non-stop war.
Apollinaire - war.
Rimbaud - Arms.
Futurists - war is the world's only hygiene.
D'Annunzio - songs of the Latin War.
Peace then?
Pace ― si spara Majakovskij, pace ― si impicca Cvetaeva.
Pace – la gabbia di sterlina.
Le Due Torri ― giù!
Le bombe in Metrò.
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14/06/2010 18:33
'Guerra e pace' 15 giugno
Ma no, ma no, è sempre guerra - passione – tango.
La pace è minuetto, Bach e cosmos, butterflies and Nabokov's chess.
Oh, peace, oh, explosion, oh vsorval '!
Peace lives in the war times.
The obelisks - the eternal war trophies.
How to get on the war? How to spread world peace
when the same sky reigns cannibalism. Because the stellar matter and cannibalism.
Then make the miracle of creation.
Create, friends. The only risposta.
evelina schatz
mosca 2010 


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