Segnalo volentieri l'uscita del volume a cura di Stacey Abbott (Roehampton University) The Cult Tv Book ( qui una preview). Pubblicato dalla IB Tauris (che si sta ormai affermando come leader indiscusso su pubblicazioni inerenti la tv contemporanea), il libro raccoglie una serie di saggi di carattere generale e di approfondimento monografico.
Tra le serie trattate spicca la scelta di accostare il passato con il presente, le serie classiche come Twilight Zone e Star Trek with series such as Grey's Anatomy and Angel .
be emphasized that the book provides an updated profile of the subject "Cult TV", highlighting the problems related to the debate on the subject, in particular those on the mainstream circuit and the importance of networks (HBO in the first place).
The book is divided into four sections: History and aesthetics, texts and contexts, its production facilities and the audience.
This work complements the book edited by David Lavery, The Essential Cult TV Reader (also just been released) and that a few years back by Robert Pearson and Sarah Gwenllian-Jones (2004), Cult Television and, finally, that of 2003, Quality Popular Television: Cult TV, the Industry and Fans Jancovich by Mark and James Lyons.
So, for fans there is plenty of food for thought!
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