Friday, December 31, 2010

Ultimate Element Crossword

Happy New Year!

I wish all the readers Cult Television a good year with much serenity and happiness! You again in 2011 with many other posts and news!
Congratulations !!!!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

French Bikini Wax Shape

The Sopranos: The HBO mob-drama weblog

Among the many productions HBO, The Sopranos is the flagship of the network, on which the show has built its growth and its success over the past ten years, so that its closure After six seasons in 2007, the fate of the network were poised to search for a program that would embody the philosophy of HBO's "It's not TV, it's HBO."

The story of the New Jersey boss Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini ), godfather of a local family who must resort to the care of a psychologist after repeated fainting caused by panic attacks. The series created by David Chase , writer and producer from the golden age of television, particularly as it has a development while focusing on the figure of Tony, the central presence on the screen and turning as a node of all the events of history, the other sees a large family, in the double sense of biological and Mafia, which revolves around Tony, and its problems.

is the intent of its creator, each episode of The Sopranos is built like a mini-movie storyline and the horizontal, the predominant one is developed not only within a season but all year long. The show is also one of the most studied with several monographs, including those of David Lavery, Reading The Sopranos e This Thing of Ours , il volume di Greene, Vernezze e Pastore The Sopranos and Philosophy , e diversi volumi scritti dallo stesso Chase o quelli sulle ricette culinarie mostrate nella serie.

Lo show è ricco di riferimenti a tutta la tradizione del genere, dalla serie de Il Padrino a Quei bravi ragazzi di Martin Scorsese, il più citato dal clan di Tony. La metarefenzialità di questi gangsters che si immedesimano nei personaggi di film che parlano di mafia, crea spesso momenti di umorismo nero e situazioni paradossali. E ancora più particolare il rapporto tra Tony e la sua psicologa, personaggio which always remains on the sidelines of history, but it embodies the only figure with which Tony can be sincere and show its weakness and its uncertainties.

The Sopranos is a complex, full of stimulation and multiple levels of interpretation. For this is still the tip of the HBO show, the product that best embodies the mission of the issuer.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Discolouration Of The Cervix

Imparafacile e l'arte virtuale in metrò

Accademia di Brera, Comune di Milano e ATM unite per l'arte digitale

L'arte virtuale torna protagonista della vita reale milanese, thanks to an initiative promoted by the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, in cooperation with ATM and the Department of the Politecnico di Milano Indigo, which had its first trial last July and now is moving towards producing more structured.

The project was launched within the second level called Master Mind (Milan Network for Design), launched last April by the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, under the direction of prof. Ezio Cuoghi. This is a training course which aims to train new professionals able to design artistic works, cultural and service in the fields and in the relational spaces of a city, combining the skills on new technologies to the creative and artistic aesthetic of the new language. Hence the attention of teachers, first of all the IT manager Bruno Aliprandi, to virtual worlds, with their potential in both artistic and educational organization. So back in July some works of students had been projected in the Milan subway, along with works by "artists purely virtual" (Prajna Seetan Rexie and Christian), well known within the SecondLife platform and particularly creative use of this medium.

After this first phase more experimental and quietly, now back to look to the Brera SecondLife with a larger project that will provide a space for students within the Metaverse, where they can work and exhibit their works, which are then transmitted via video of the Milan Metro stations of Porta Garibaldi and Porta Venezia. Contact SecondLife project is John Dalla Bona (aka Imparafacile Runo in Second Life), a long time trainer who uses this medium for educational and cultural diffusion. His is the space made available to the Academy, for which the artist has made achieving virtual Mayo Merlin a structure of great impact to his inspired collaboration with the Brera, deonominata Concordia 2.0.

It will be your photos from this structure to open the new round of content that we see on the screens of ATM stations, in addition to other series of photos and video taken from a large event held last November 25 in the Metaverse. On that date, in fact, several virtual galleries of Second Life, they decided to unite their voices to the chorus of general solidarity arose during the International Day against Violence on Women. The event, called 2LEI, saw ten art installations organized for the occasion, which will now be visible on the screen of the meter through le foto degli artisti coinvolti o i video delle istallazioni immersive realizzate. 
In questa prima fase ci saranno le foto dell'artista Gianmario Masala, per il gruppo Arte Libera e la collettiva di vari fotografi del Metaverso proposta per il gruppo 2LifePhotos.

Locandina della mostra virtuale di Gianmario Masala "Ritratti di Donna"
Seguiranno i video realizzati da Nakoto Exonar per i gruppi Tanalois, Salimar, WDT Planet, PAD, SL Art, CSW Island, The Knot. Referente di Imparafacile Runo per il mondo artistico di SecondLife è la gallerista Simba Schumann.

For Project Information:

Imparafacile Runo (imparafacile.runo @
Simba Schumann (

For the Accademia di Brera in Second Life:


original post here / Original post here

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nadine Jensen Hardcore

Earl and the power of karma

series My Name is Earl (2005-09) fall into that group of products that have innovated the genre comedy sit-com. Created by Greg Garcia , the series chronicles the adventures of Earl (Jason Lee ), a petty criminal who live by their wits with his brother child and one day win the lottery, but at the same time, was hit by a car. In the hospital bed, Earl realizes that his life needs a change and that winning the lottery and the incident is related by karma punishes him for every bad action.
Earl decides to draw up a list of all the bad things he has done during his life and to use the prize money to repair his wrongs. In his climb to safety is helped by his brother fool, the former wife, his new partner and their friend Catalina.

mnie shares with the classic sit-com genre and format, but abandoned the look out for in the claustrophobic streets of a squalid and California assolata, popolata da tutto un sottobosco di emarginati che entrano ed escono dalla vita dei protagonisti. Dal punto di vista della struttura narrativa, pur seguendo una storyline orizzontale che vede la redenzione del protagonista, la forma è prettamente ad episodio chiuso con ogni capitolo dedicato ad un torto della lista che deve essere riparato. La continuità è data, oltre che dal gruppo dei protagonisti, da molti personaggi secondari che ricorrono di tanto in tanto e che formano la "famiglia" di Earl.

Si può affermare che il protagonista rappresenti una figura archetipa di "sfigato" che lascia la vita scorrere senza troppe preoccupazioni. Earl e il fratello vivono in una camera di un infimo motel anche dopo aver vinto alla lotteria and fail to bring their lives to a higher level. Yet the group, Earl in mind, arouse sympathy unquestioned, perhaps because basically all we admire the approach of "no problem" to the life of Earl and his wacky family!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Iver Johnson 30 Cal Carbine For Sale

Grey's Anatomy: the rebirth of the medical drama

The medical drama is one of the classical genres of television and was more or less present on the screens in each decade. E 'but no doubt that the serial Grey's Anatomy in recent years has given a considerable boost to the genre.

Grey's Anatomy is produced by ABC since 2005 and is created by Shonda Rhimes that has practically made his debut on the small screen with this show. Giunto alla sua settima stagione, il serial era partito come mid season ma visto il successo è stato subito promosso ed è oggi uno dei prodotti di punta del network.

La storia è quella dei tirocinanti e medici del Seattle Grace Hospital, e si focalizza inizialmente sul personaggio di Meredith Grey, figlia di una nota chirurga che segue le orme della madre pur non avendo avuto con lei un rapporto idillico. La storia si connota da subito come corale, ampliando il cast ad almeno una decina di protagonisti a stagione. Gli sviluppi delle storie si delineano come "soapizzate", con uno sviluppo orizzontale preminente rispetto alle trame verticali ed una precisa deriva verso il melodrammatico e il sentimentale.

Infatti, il fulcro delle storylines are the stories of love, marriage or missed scheduled, continuous exchange of pairs, the search for a soul mate or just a night to forget the adventure of a professional disappointment or stress of the medical profession. GA does not fall strictly into what can be called quality television because the stories are often redundant and not always the characters are developed in an interesting and realistic, but there is no doubt that the show manages to create empathy and affection, with a hard core of fans who eagerly follows the adventures of our heroes.

GA falls into the category that can be called "guilty pleasure" and has its force majeure in writing. In 2007 he also created a spin-off, Private Practice , which were written with different cross-over.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Abiotic Features Of The Great White Shark

Community: laugh about the university! The mythology of Fringe

laugh (or cry) on the state university today is very easy but the NBC series Community , we can intelligently.
At the second season now under way, Community is a sit-com that moves the universe typical home of its kind in the university context.

The story is about a lawyer who discovers rampant having graduated with deception and is forced to return to college. The community college university is one of the first steps and the dummy where the series is set, Greendale, proves to be one of the least prepared. It appears to be a college for "losers" and it is frequented by students from vintage men who did not receive a scholarship for a better college or who has lost her purse. The story revolves around the study group in which our hero enters, opportunistic and self-centered, in order to facilitate his academic career and be able to return to the world of work. The group soon developed a close friendship and family dynamics.

Created by Dan Harmon , the series settles down significantly on the comedy side, without a second reading and a willingness to send messages. Yet the comedy is almost always successful while remaining part of the fun. In particular there are two factors which can be attributed to the success of the show: the cast and setting.

outstanding figures in the cast played by Pierce Chevy Chase, a true cult figure of cinema, Abed ( Danny Pudi ), a student of cinema that gives rise to jokes and situations metaferenziali, and two of my prefer smaller but highly successful, Senor Chang (Ken Jeong ) and Dean Pelton ( Jim Rash), both characters for their ineptitude create the paradoxical situations and their performance absurd create highly successful interactions with the main group .

Community is a slight but definitely enjoyable series and the writers can also create a universe metareferenziale and full of references to the movies, music, contemporary culture, which offer one more reason to follow the series and there are also many references to academic world where the view of students clash with the absurdity of the university bureaucracy.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Maplestory Background


From today 30th november to the 4th of december 2010 the collective artist's book about and the projection of the dvd Farm south park Milan " CasArcobaleno at Via Arcangelo Ghisleri Lotto R Quartiere Scampia in Naples (Napoli).
Artist's book group Italia Brasile : Seven and seven Italian artist from Brazil, Thereza Christina de Azevedo Iacob, Maria Luiza Cangeri, Mara Caruso, Francesco Ceriani, Maria Araujo Darmeli, Jacira Fagundes Gretel Fehr, Doral Konrad Schuck, Nadia Magnabosco, Marilda Magni, Ana Luz Pettini, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Luca Rendina, Antonio Sormani
Artist's Book " Love is the job? ", Angelo Caruso, Patrizia Di Siro, Gianni Maffi, topylabris, Enza Tamborra
Dvd Farm south park Milan" by Mirko Bozzato and Gianmario Masala, about Their expo in september of last Milano.
Circular project, about the mail art on Water common good from the University of Rio Grande do Sul: Alexandra Eckert, Amanda Bennett, Anderson Zang, Anita Porto Art'Mara, Bibiana Lais Carvalho, Ceiça Alles, Cenir Barpp, Dai Linck, Deborah Souza, Elisandra Galle, Fabiane Stoffel, Fabiano Mendes, Fernandes de Christo, Janaísa Galz, Katia M. Algaier, Lina C., B., Lippert, Lívia dos Santos, Lurdes Blauth, Mara Wunder, Morga Light, Natalia Hübner, Silvana Maranzana, Suellen Schott, Tereza Preussler, Tessa Nogueira, Vera Wild. Curator: Antonella Prota Giurleo.

The expo is about the project "Beauty Will Save the World" promoted by Occhi Press That Works in Naples and CasArcobaleno, open to women kids and children to help people on culture and creativity in a very uncomfortable and poor place like Scampia district area.

From the original press release:

Show: collective
Title: fotolibrArte
Location: Via Arcangelo CasArcobaleno Ghisleri District Lot R Scampia Naples
Opening: Tuesday, November 30 11:30 am
Duration: until Friday, December 4
Hours: Tuesday to Friday, from 15 to 18 hours
Artist and artists:
Artist's book collective Italy Brazil: Thereza Christina de Azevedo Jacob, Maria Luiza Cangeri, Mara Caruso, Francesco Ceriani Maria Araujo give it to me, Jacira Fagundes, Gretel Fehr, Doral Konrad Schuck, Nadia Magnabosco, Marilde Magni, Ana Luz Combs, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Luca Rendina, Anthony Sormani
Artists' books: Angelo Caruso, Patrick Siro, John Maffei, topylabris , Enza Tamborra
DVD: Mirko Bozzato, Gianmario Masala
Draft circular Alexandra Eckert, Amanda Borges, Zang Anderson, Anita Porto, Art'Mara, Bibiana Laís Carvalho, Ceyx Alles, Cenir Barpp, Dai Linck, Débora Souza, Elisandra Galle, Fabiane Stoffel, Fabiano Mendes, Fernanada de Christo, Janaísa Gälzer, Kátia M. Algaier, Lina C., B., Lippert, Lívia dos Santos, Lurdi Blauth, Mara Wunder, Morga Luz, Natália Hübner, Silvana Maranzana, Suellen Schott, Tereza Preussler, Tessa Nogueira, Vera Wild
Presentazione: fratel Enrico Muller
Curatrice: Antonella Prota Giurleo
Informazioni: fratel Enrico: 3473364487
Antonella Prota Giurleo 3470312744 e-mail: a.protagiurleo @
continues with this exhibition, The Beauty Project save the world promoted by the cooperative that acts eyes open in Naples in the neighborhood of Scampia.
further opportunity after the Art Symposium of 2009, an exhibition of mail art and the Symposium of 2010 to confront contemporary art in a space, to CasArcobaleno, open for rea offer women, girls and boys, the ability to recover the time and energy to appropriate education and culture.
Exhibition of works already presented in Milan, at several exhibitions.
Artist's book collective Italy Brazil.
Artist and artists in Milan and Porto Alegre will exchange ideas and proposals in a collaboration between cultures, Italian and Brazilian, which lasts for several years.
The proposed theme is the journey, in its various meanings, real or imagined, life as a journey, the dream as a journey of the mind ...

Partidas and LLegadas, start and finish the collective title of the book like an accordion, played the theme with different sensibilities and modes of expression, from painting to engraving, from computer art to collage.
Seven artists from seven Brazilian and Italian artists and performers, are compared in a succession of images and a very stimulating exchange of views.
Artist's books on the theme of Love is a job?
A play on words to return to issues on which developing Archinto texts published by the publishing house, a love note at work and the other, the artists and the artists who played for recovery using both methods of concealing and hiding or bundling), which reveal that of illustrating the feelings through images photographs.
Dvd Milan South Agricultural Park
Two artists, one, Mirko Bozzato through a report on an incredibly prejudice to the natural level in the immediate vicinity of the city of Milan, 'Another, Gianmario Masala through image processing of first, give us a sense of nature worked and dreamed.
Project A circular convening a special participation of mail art on the theme Water common good: a series of small cards made of screen printing. The cards are the result of the plan CIRCULAR, a project started in 2008 at the University of Rio Grande do Sul, project involving students and former students, faculty and invited artists.

Kate From Kates Playgroundreal Name

now two years back I talked about the launch of Fringe, the new creature Abrams. The series is now in the middle of its third season and is worth examining further. In my first post, written after a few episodes, highlights that the risk more of the series was to follow in the footsteps of too X-Files, at the risk of colliding with a cult beloved by audiences and hailed by critics. Now, with a good number of episodes behind, we can say that the series has avoided this risk.

The storyline has been able to mix self-contained episodes with a solid mythology that has the advantage of renewed from season to season. Then, while maintaining the idea of \u200b\u200bparallel worlds, the series has exploited in the ways and forms. For example, in the current season, is working on the double not only as a place but as a character. And so, the protagonist is forced to live in the parallel world by building a series of episodes alternate, one in a world, each other.
With this choice one of the pleasures of the public and the identification of small differences between the two worlds and it is interesting to see how the same character is developed in two different directions.

The cast has confirmed its quality and the characters are well delineated, especially that of dr.Bishop played by an excellent John Noble knows that balance the genius and the disorientation of his character. Anyway, in general, the cast has proved to the role, even as regards the minor characters.

currently is undergoing a series of changes in programming slots, bad sign for a serie che al momento è una delle più interessanti in circolazione, ma sappiamo bene come il mercato televisivo sia agguerritissimo e la qualità di un prodotto non è tra i requisiti necessari per una riconferma.

Monday, November 29, 2010

White Tie Wedding Etiquette

Misfits and the cult British TV

E' iniziata da poche settimane la seconda stagione di Misfits , serie britannica prodotta da Channel 4 che lo scorso anno si è rivelata una delle serie più originali e di successo. Creata da Howard Overman ( Merlin , Hotel Babylon) , la serie racconta la storia di cinque giovani alle prese con i servizi sociali per piccoli reati. Durante una giornata di servizio, il gruppo si trova la centro di uno strano evento atmosferico alla fine del quale si ritroveranno con dei superpoteri alcuni dei quali un po' anomali: la capacità di rivivere il passato per modificarlo, la capacità di eccitare una persona con un semplice tocco, l'invisibilità, la lettura della mente e l'immortalità.

Nella prima stagione, il gruppo omogeneo si ritroverà ad essere forzatamente unito per nascondere l'uccisione del loro supervisore, impazzito in seguito allo stesso evento. La serie si connota per un riuscito mix di drama e comedy e per questa scelta originale di trattare il sovrannaturale con un realismo tipico delle produzioni britanniche.
Il cast è ben assortito e convincente ma c'è da dire che quello che più colpisce della serie è la messa in scena, fatta di riprese estremamente curate, un lavoro sulla fotografia che raramente si trova sul piccolo schermo e una quasi totale assenza di effetti speciali, cosa strana in una serie fantasy. La scelta è data dalla volontà di concentrarsi non sui singoli poteri ma sui personaggi, ai quali lo spettatore riesce ad affezionarsi con facilità.

Le riprese danno ampio spazio alla profondità di campo e ai giochi di messa a fuoco. La fotografia è fredda e asettica quasi in contrasto con le tute da lavoro arancione dei ragazzi che spiccano su sfondi grigi e desolati. La serie è girata nella periferia londinese e sono stati usati dei set nel campus universitario di Brunel, dove anche Kubrick ambientò scene di Arancia Mechanical .

Misfits In 2010 he won the BAFTA for best drama series and is now in his second season after the first of six episodes. The launch of the series was also an example of viral marketing and use of social networks where people wrote on Twitter during the airing of the episode.

Friday, November 26, 2010

G Wagner Cartoonmaxine

C oncept store: "a shop characterized by its complete heterogeneity than traditional experience of the store. Its distinctive qualities are in fact those of the heterogeneity of management, size and product category . The goal of a concept store in fact is to set up an exploration and discovery by the customer through a number of suggestions, from both the variety of exhibits, architecture is the same environment. " ; [Wikipedia]

Monday, November 8, 2010

What Gun Is Used By Ari Gold

Happy Town ... or maybe not?

In the most recent posts I mentioned this trend in the current television season underway on new U.S. TV series that are tied to the supernatural in ways and forms.
fall somewhere between those heirs Twin Peaks, the series Happy Town ABC. The small town

of Haplin (which does not exist but has several references to the geography of Minnesota although the first season was filmed in several Canadian locations), is also known as Happy Town for its tranquility, but not everything is as it seems. Every seven years the people disappear because of the Magic Man feature of the town is its bread factory overlooking the village and spreads a pleasant smell in the air and detail.

The series is created by Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec Scott Rosenberg and colleagues already in Life on Mars, and the first two, in Alias. The first season consists of only 8 episodes, the last two exchanged only in streaming, because the series was canceled in the race.

The atmosphere of the series is not without charm but perhaps the risk of this kind of show is just what groped too many references to the best-known predecessor, that Twin Peaks but moving on different tracks and he saw, with the presence of Lynch, a proven and authorship beyond doubt. In this case it incurs in the normal risk, to not groped a net approach to fantasy, but leaving things too open, as well as the choice of genre to follow, as a successful pastiche is not easily achieved.

worth noting in the cast as a household name Sam Neill (Jurassic Park , the Mouth of Madness, The Piano and, for television, The Tudors ) and a name like the cult of David Cronenberg , guest star in an episode.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wd Model Number Suffix Tools and the like. is a social music network very useful for creating a database of your music listening statistics, finding people with similar taste and discover our new artists that we might like.

page "near" in fact show all members with musical taste similar to ours and looking through their plays is easy to find groups of little-known but generally very similar to our favorites, this will be possible when our music database will be rich (do not expect to be able to know 100 artists after two days).
The music will be added directly from our Last FM music player or through the scrobbler, available for Windows, Linux and Mac download by .

There are many tools that replicate view our statistics. produces the following charts:

Tag Cloud Album Artist Cloud Cloud

The Tag Cloud
Collage Artists List Covers Spiral artists generate a better ranking with the symbols of the artists

Other: creates the most listened to album chart showing title and cover rankings graphics

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Xanax To Help Quit Smoking

Meetings in library: "the writing of art" / Incontri in Biblioteca: "la scrittura dell'arte"

Tomorrow 3th of november 2010 opening of the collective of art in Gallaratese Library, in Milano: " the writing of art ". The collective will be there until 30th of november: curator is Antonella Prota Giurleo  and artworks are from Fernanda Fedi , Antonella Prota Giurleo , Antonio Sormani and Franco Tripodi . Readings by Daniela Aronica e Loretta Lo Giudice. Visiting time: monday to friday 9.30 am - 9.30 pm, wednesday morning closed, saturday 9.30 am - 7.30 pm.

The expo comes from the passion for the "written paper" and books of the artists, so their pieces speak the language of art. 
Fernanda Fedi usually create her artworks with signs referred to the the origin of writing itself, in a fascinating way of expression and beautiful results.
Antonio Sormani in his painting is looking for a relation between form and object, a balance between abstraction and figure (see the report  of another personal of Antonio in this post ).
Franco Tripodi created in 1993 an alphabet where every symbol correspond to a letter: captivated by this, now he uses a reworking of this process on signs in his artistic works.
Antonella Prota is able to find her inspiration to create in everything she sees: brushes, objects, photographs, papers, and so on abandoned stuff, coming to get a painting or collage But Also an installation, Often in unexpected result. Here she used old books from the library to build artist's book and geometrical forms: Somehow something new and creative.

From the original press release:

I deeply love reading, love books and writing tracks on the sheets, I love to watch unknown alphabets and discover the beauty of form, I love libraries, those public, especially, but also private ones. Enter a house my eye and I find myself running around to look at pictures and browse the book titles stroking the back, rejoicing to find in the libraries of friends and friends of books that I have or I have friends.
Accumulation always written paper, it is impossible to go into a library or library and get out, despite the initial determination, without at least one book in his hand. I can not think that a book can be thrown or used as pulp, so recovery, recovery, recovery ... and build, build, build.
This passion, which sometimes results in the fixation, is become a starting point for this exhibition of art writing. A title suggested by Franco Tripodi seems to me to return the sense of the deep bond that unites each other, and not just because the first forms of writing were ideograms, or because the painting has been for centuries the only form of knowledge and know for the classes excluded from education, but for the wisdom that underlies the one and the other, which combines knowledge and wisdom to know how to do so in writing as in painting and in all visual languages.
I thought it would be interesting to compare, from the common love of reading and writing, the way through which Fernanda Fedi, Antonio Sormani, Franco Tripodi and I express these passions through the language of art.
exposing our works in a library, of course: Gallaratese library, a library I love, like many others, but where I find that more of availability and expertise that make me feel at home.
Fernanda Fedi usually use, signs that refer to writing or constitute the alphabet. Signs that show the old, the archetype of writing itself and its origins in a continuum of time and space that brings the magic of a mode of expression and communication that is fascinating both for the beauty of the signs for the wisdom of the invention.
Anthony Sormani investigates, through painting, the relationship between form and subject in a search for balance suspended between figuration and abstraction. Who can observe, through his personal recollection of forms, to redefine the subject painted. Traces of writing letters sometimes approached for purely aesthetic reasons, and short phrases inserted in the composition evoke a knowledge and a collective knowledge of the properties of writing even when this is incomprehensible.
Franco Tripodi in 1993 invented a game, an alphabet to communicate in code, an alphabet in which every symbol is a letter. The game, as often happens, he almost forced the artist, fascinated by the beauty of the signs, for deep analysis and a reworking of the signs that have become an integral part of his artistic work.
In this library I have been made available for use as pulp books, books that I have turned into artist's books or geometric shapes, which ho sepolto sotto la cenere o sotto la stoffa del burka. Anche nelle situazioni più difficili, come in carcere o laddove alle donne viene vietato l’accesso all’istruzione, la scrittura è stata ed è sinonimo e motivo di sopravvivenza. 
Antonella Prota Giurleo

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lycra And 1980s Fashion

The Walking Dead: Zombies in USA

The zombie is one of those creatures whose actions were often associated with political messages. Think of all the work of George Romero reiterated that over the years a speech critical of consumer society, especially the United States. Without the charm of its romantic vampire, without a touch of your feral werewolf, the zombie is usually linked to the image of the body in almost mechanical movement tenta di continuare la sua solita vita ripetendo le azioni che da vivo ne hanno caratterizzato le giornate.

Questa breve premessa è per presentare il nuovo show della AMC, The Walking Dead . La serie è tratta dalla graphic novel di Robert Kirkman ed è portata sullo schermo da un nome di sicuro richiamo, quel Frank Darabon t che ci ha regalato uno degli horror più angoscianti degli ultmi anni, The Mist , e regista del film cult Le ali della libertà .

La storia è raccontata dal punto di vista dello sceriffo di polizia Rick Grimes ( Andrew Lincoln ) che si risveglia da un breve coma dopo una sparatoria in servizio, to find themselves in a city abandoned and infested with zombies, with no idea what happened and where is his family. After an initial moment of adjustment and understanding, due to an encounter with a survivor, Grimes decided to go to Atlanta where he is said to be refugees are survivors.
In the first episode are given some information preparatory to the development of history and is still not explained the reason for this epidemic, but we know that is not a necessary factor in this genus. There are 6 points for this mini-series that has created an agonizing wait for months. The premises are good because the pilot is extremely nice and charming, though necessarily explanation and presentation of some characters. Beautiful photography and care in the scenery, certainly in film.

One factor is the guarantee that the signing of the AMC as the case with the network for a fee (see HBO and Showtime), is aiming at producing a small but quality that you see a few titles ( Mad Men, Rubicon, "Breaking Bad ) well cared for and original. Just as HBO has been able to focus on vampires of True Blood to get new impetus after the end of the Sopranos , so the AMC because of the zombies try to enter the Olympus of the big networks and exit from the niche where quality though has been so far relegated.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homer Simpson Crotch Tatoo

Mail art about water, a collective: the report

Flyer of the event

I'm very late with the reports of all the expos we announced here but finally there the mail art initiative about water that have been place on last 2th of june 2010.
As I ve already said in the first article many people sent their works and as u can see they were settled up open air.

There were also my photographic composition "water is life", that you can see below, among the others

Gianmario Masala artwork and others
Beside all the artwork arrived via mail there were some artworks from Mirko Bozzato , Gretel Feher and Loredana Scarian:

Mirko Bozzato photographs

Gretel Feher artwork

Loredana Scarian artworks

The were also some works made by Mari Jana Pervan and Veronica Menni.
As you know the theme of the artistic event was the law about privatization of the water service supplies by the italian government. In many regions of Italy the local authorities have refused the privatization process and affirmed the same as the UE Parliament and modified their statutes to protect water as a good common.

So that day there were also a meeting with some personalities from the local government city of Corsico, provincia of Milan and journalists to explain how the new national law works and how to contrast it: really an interesting event for all the people living in the area, beside all the artworks in the exposition.

I'm very late with all the reports of the exhibitions here announced, but finally here is the initiative of mail art on the water as a common good, which took place last June 2, 2010. As already written in the first article lot of artists have posted their work and as you can see from the photos were placed in air ... literally hanging. There was also my photographic composition "Water is life", as you can see below, among others. In addition to suits the works were also exhibited works come Mirko Bozzato, Gretel Scarian Feher, Loredana, and installations by Mari Pervan Jana and Veronica Menni.
As you know the theme of the art event was the recent law of the Italian government about the privatization of public water supply service. In many Italian regions local authorities have refused privatization and said the principle established by the European Parliament of water as a common good for humanity.
So that day there was also a meeting with local dignitaries of the city and the Province of Corsico di Milano, oltre ad alcuni giornalisti per esporre e spiegare gli aspetti della legge ed i modi per contrastarla: davvero un interessante evento per la gente del luogo, oltre alla bellezza delle opere esposte.
(Photos by Gianmario Masala and courtesy by Antonella Prota Giurleo, edited by Gianmario Masala)