Friday, June 12, 2009

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Reflections on the lessons of the Wise prof.Antonino >> see lessons course CAAD 09 If at the time of Leonardo Da Vinci I want to transfer in an intelligent + design from one end of Florence as well as smoke signals as a method I can invent?

Leonardo would certainly have been able to transmit information from one end of Florence ...
This refers to

and vector graphics to use delle convenzioni già stabilito precedentemente.I dati (che sono il minimo elemento di modifica di una situazione precedente) possono essere nominati in Entità come linee,punti,superfici e posso scambiare unicamente delle informazioni vettoriali riferite a queste entità. Dunque ricapitolando se uso grafica raster
che ragiona con porzioni di schermo e risoluzione DPI posso unicamente condividere la stessa griglia e dare le cordinate dei puntini da annerire per comporre una linea o una figura (quindi devo dare punto per punto la successione esatta dei pixel che compongono questa linea,magari molto lunga e magari utilizzando proprio dei segnali di fumo visibili da parte a parte della città)

Se utilizzo la grafica vettoriale so già di quale entità stiamo parlando: basta richiamare il comando linea (sui quali ci siamo precedentemente accordati) e dare semplicemente le coordinate di inizio e fine.
Snellisco al minimo indispensabile il codice per descrivere questa operazione e posso fare tutta una serie di operazioni intelligenti su queste entità,come ad esempio ingrandirle,rimpicciolirle,copiarle ed altro(dunque modificarle con estrema facilità). Non opero più su pixel scemi che “appartengono allo schermo” ma con entità inteliggenti che possono essere rinominate e modificate.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- layer
+ I can combine items in a single layer and transmit only the data so that interest me (eg. A structural layer, or only the side walls). The system of layers is intimately linked to the vector system and entities nameable but today it is largely also widespread on raster systems for ease of use that follows and the semantic content that can be attributed to the Division by layer. Contemporary architecture reifies this approach to stratification in many exemplary projects

Cannaregio Square

Eisenman uses the presence of layers belonging to the past of the city of Venice to hybridize at strategic points with the addition of elements of the current project. 7cmac team

In the competition for the Houses of 1983 an elite group of architects "cultured" reinterprets the logic of the Layer and historical palimpsest of Peter Eisenman in + variants. The project is now known as the winner of Schumacher, but the relevant fact is that the layers are layers of the project independent of each other and speak with different architectural thinking to address multiple aspects of the overall project.
is easy to understand example: turn off a layer in the Round of Palladio does not affect the general understanding of the project, you will be able to understand the spatial distribution and while watching a single layer of a contemporary design (including those mentioned) may be insufficient or even misleading to understand the architectural ensemble.

Competition for Potsdamer Platz by Daniel Libeskind 8bcover
This is because the design has assimilated in a semantic layer and substantial use of borrowing by the tools that were already provided. Nothing different from what happened in the Renaissance: a tool which itself became the prospect of generator spaces made and designed to be enjoyed and seen only in prospettiva.Lo strumento diviene esso stesso conquista ontologica dello spazio.

La prospettica rinascimentale come “catalizzatore”
Peter Vector

Peter Eisenman è molto vicino alla logica del vettore,in quanto le sue operazioni sulla forma sono di tipo “intelligente” (traslazioni,rotazioni,intersezioni, sino a spingersi nella logica della geometria booleana dell’addizione-sottrazione). Gli inizi del giovane Eisenman are related to the study by Italian + known and appreciated abroad Terragni After working in the office of Gropius and faced with a doctorate from Cambridge Colin Rowe is interested in architecture in a completely different dall'imperante internationalism of the post war and runs on a study "syntactic architecture." To better understand syntax
have recourse to the dictionary ... Italian ling. The set of grammatical relations between words that constitute a sentence or, in general, a linguistic expression of several elements
filos. Part of the logic that studies the relationships between the signs, regardless of the meanings Eisenman makes a doctoral thesis on precisely Terragni, especially on two of his works: Beam House and Casa Giuliani-Frigerio Como 1932-36.

miralles3 penezic5] Beam House, Como - Giuseppe Terragni
The first works on erosion starting from the outside this semicubo then subtract parts and working with the antisymmetric and the vertical alignment of the windows to give extreme dynamism to the Casa Giuliani-Frigerio composizione.La obviously works the opposite from exploding planes.

Casa Giuliani Frigerio, Como 1932-36 Giuseppe Terragni torre-agbar-2 This study leads to the Eisenman his experiences in the cycle of X in which the Houses House II is important for understanding the theoretical nature of the conceptual work of the early 70's. It is "paper architecture" or "board" that for most will not take place and moving exploration of the frame (taking as a basis Terragni) to create geometrically complex and compelling space far removed from classical correspondence with function that we usually see in a house. It 'now been cut the umbilical cord that tied the modern movement in architecture and dynamics of the new generation of space take over.
Beam House, Como -
Munich_AllianceArena Giuseppe Terragni
Kingdom in Five Eisenman is defined by the form of a terrorist Tafuri, House X is the penultimate of the houses in this first periodo.Non will be realized and this will mark the arrival of the post modern with a time of crisis even by Peter Eisenman personal point of view, and psychoanalysis will be a defining moment for understanding the later stages of el 'acceptance of themselves (their anxieties ") and contemporary society.
House X takes possession of the site identified four articles in various sectors altimetrie.Sono treated eterogenea.Da note the appearance of materials such as ceramic blocks and the typical white networks used by Gehry.

Notebook Michael Graves The post modern and experience at a joint displace it Eisenman struggling to find work and continues its long process of psicoanalisi.Di this period are the complex study of startup, the excavation , the drilling of the soil made from his house XI (home Guardiola).

The turning point came with the competition for the square in Venice Cannaregio (obviously never built) in the past as historical maps and positions emerge and reemerge in contemporary design as if it were a "palimpsest" (la tecnica medioevale di scrivere sulla stessa pergamena cancellando le traccie precedenti,e lavorandoci sopra,facendo convivere le diverse tracce di scrittura)
Concorso per piazza Cannaregio, Venezia
 "Tema centrale è il vuoto, nelle sue declinazioni spaziali e temporali. Il vuoto del futuro è quello di una topografia urbana di riferimento identificata nella griglia virtuale del progetto di Le Corbusier per l'ospedale di Cannaregio e precisata in una serie di vuoti puntuali nel terreno, siti di case future. Il vuoto del presente consiste in riproduzioni, a scale differenti, della House XI [...] Il vuoto del passato è l'asse diagonale che evoca il possibile erompere dell'inconscio e della memory of Giordano Bruno and the alchemy of his martyrdom, the Venice of the seventeenth century. "(Daniel Brogan, Peter Eisenman, Motta Architecture) +
Still important is the attitude shown towards the landscape and the context in which supporters of the Post osannavano.Eisenman responds with modern architectures that are rooted in the history of the place on which they arise, avoiding the attitude of mimesis and sacrifice that ruled the rest of post modern. Residences IBA in Berlin in the residence of
'IBA Eisenman in Berlin finally shows the strength of this architecture concettuale.Il complex is made in small ways, only a corner lot reminiscent in its LOCATION in the plant as in the past raised the place to which appartiene.Tracce color and rotation of the grids create a formal game of tension to resolve the issue of corner on the road.

Franco Pure, "layering" - "stop" inbeetwen

Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus Ohio dell'inbeetwen of the technique is, of being inside . Create something inside other buildings, in the interstitial space between them, in the intermediate space, between the reuses pieghe.Si doing so a gap without affecting the existing complex of buildings is stratified and a new design solution to the spike and not a esistente.Dunque distruttiva.Il Wexner and then make a mockery of the abilities of modern and post magically appear as two medieval ramparts recall a the past does not exist in Columbus.

Wexner Center for the Arts, Peter Eisenman oscillations and vibrations
The idea of \u200b\u200bmotion expressed by the oscillation, which in the future had been a clear matrix of inspiration for painting and sculpture had not been included deeply into the architecture. The dynamism and sense of movement had been entrusted to the car and the speed of vibrant city, buzzing, technologically advanced and responsive to a model ipermeccanicizzato and industrialized.
Nothing had been attempted in the architecture to represent the kinematics of the body, vibration and so there was plastic under the eyes and understood by Boccioni sculpture (Figure thick conceptual in the first place) and the other to see implemented futuristi.Per experimental architecture in many of the issues addressed by the Italian Futurism we have to wait half a century to see it materialize in the work of a Canadian by adoption, Frank Gehry, Peter Eisenman and New York.
dog on a leash, Giacomo Balla

Faculty of Architecture in Cincinnati, Peter Eisenman
  • The existing body (the Faculty of Architecture) is expanded using a space beetwen for the gallery of students and then made to vibrate to generate lines of force or more carriers that become terraces, green parts, flooring, internal divisions, or signs commonly found in section alzato.Un or other body is then swung and connected students to the gallery and the existing building.
  • Diagram
    Another rather technical or conceptual model used by Peter Eisenman is diagramma.Si is to prefigure the forms attraverso un processo di evoluzione che è interscambiabile e mutevole e che salta con disinvoltura dal plastico reale a quello informatico per essere verificato e dinamicamente modificato al variare delle scelte di progetto.Un atteggiamento del tutto simile ad un modello informatico ( vedi lezione sui modelli decisionali )

Diagrammi generativi della chiesa del 2000,Roma,studio Eisenman architecs.

Centro della cultura Galiziana a Santiago de Compostela nato dallo scontro di zolle telluriche (metafora e narrazione calzante per risolvere un progetto territoriale dall’ enorme estensione in mq) in costruzione.


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