second series of lectures
il tempo
Riflessioni sulle lezioni del prof.Antonino Saggio
vedi lezioni corso CAAD 09
il tempo è la materia prima dello spazio!
“Immaginiamo così di vivere costretti lungo un binario, immersi in una dimensione esclusivamente lineare, senza averne mai sperimentate e neanche immaginate altre.Facciamo a noi stessi una domanda chiave: qual è il modo di conoscere, di descrivere, di rappresentare questo mondo solo lineare? Clearly, the view is not help because everything appears crushed at a single point. The answer must reside in another order of experience: how to know this linear space can only be covering it. They can calculate the time from one point to another track and it is this "interval" that allows to describe this condition space!. Time thus becomes the first dimension and descriptive knowledge of space. And the line, the minimum amount of space. "(From the first dimension of space time by Antonino Saggio)
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Emilio Vedova – immagine nel tempo 1958
Prendiamo ad esempio la condizione dei vermi piatti che è già superiore al semplice binario lineare (dove posso andare solo avanti-indietro)e ci aiuta a capire delle cose:
la prima è che un verme piatto striscia su + direzioni complanari in un mondo comunque bidimensionale (un piano cartesiano xy,come un semplice pavimento) e che
lo spazio è un intervallo percorribile nel tempo
la seconda è che questo mondo a due dimensioni coexists with nature in our three-dimensional world (and that these do tapeworms have the slightest suspicion!) then
any frame of reference is contained by less than one.
The condition of the flatworm is not unlike that of being umano.Anche the human being and its three dimensions are contained in a system + size and by a lower projection has only one level higher.
This means that to understand the nature of the upper level we must make real "jump." Is the apt metaphor of the fish that live in the sea in a world with its own rules and that only by jumping out of the water may have a vague idea (projection) of the terrestrial world of hills, mountains and altro.Questo jump is what man does today aware of but was unable to understand intimately and fully the reasons, other dimensions (the individual is able to describe many, but not without diving into the water and blatant denials ...)
Each reference system is valid and has an inside space and time independent
"Now we begin to bend the sheet, before slightly then more pronounced. As you know the length of T, although the curve, does not change. The way to get from A to B is always marked by the same line (even if has become a curved line). Now we continue to bend the sheet from "almost" to touch the points A and B. Again, being confined to two dimensions that line "continuous" curve is the shortest way to link A and B. But here's the big step: imagine jumping out of that world in two dimensions and to look at the curved sheet by a three-dimensional world. We will see now, looking from the outside, that the shortest way to go from A and B is not straight along the curve T, but by drawing a new line "t" between points A and B in space and moving in a precisely another reference system (the three-dimensional xyz space) compared to that of two of the paper.
Seeing it all from another dimension, not only solves the problem differently, but what is clear is that it is the time to be different (t is much shorter than T). And being different times, so are the spaces (say, at least the logic of spaces) other than as t is different from T and is a new, more efficient, to merge A and B. "
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In any higher-level system co-exist infinitely many reference systems-level
+ The fourth dimension is not the time but it is a given geometric . In formulazione di un universo elegante si utilizza descrivere il mondo reale in tre dimensioni paragonabile ad un cubo mentre la quarta non è altro che lo spostamento di questo cubo.In questa maniera all’interno di questo universo coesistono infiniti cubi a tre dimensioni dai quali poter avere una proiezione dell’ipercubo risultante. Per approfondire visita >>
Se nel mondo lineare si cammina solo in avanti,nel mondo bidimensionale si può andare in + direzioni , e nel mondo tridimensionale(che è il nostro) si ha la presenza dell’asse z e delle differenze di quota , nell’ipercubo the way to go to 4 dimensions is a space to jump from a cube to a altro.Concettualmente the leap of logic is easy to operate and geometrically many network simulations in this space to display good size and 4 show simulations with other models of size n .
This observation leads to the conclusion that use of new technology for implants have a projection similar spazi.Una prosthesis technology (like a telescope) is an 'extension of our sensory corpo.Il web is one of the worlds queste.Infiniti with rules, different space and time can exist only within + windows giving a projection of an electronic 3-dimensional (human) simply looking at our screen.
But it is still a projection in real time what happens elsewhere in the world with different rules in three dimensions and not a full time comprensione.Ecco infinite worlds that coexist in a 3D world in 4 dimensions, represented by the network. A multiplication of parallel worlds and dimensions in which simultaneous time is instantaneous and independent, and therefore inadequate to describe these new dimensions of the network ... this is that we start to frame the projection of a world top level without being able to understand the entire operation. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ For
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first time space matter

on coffee break
The Elegant Universe
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construction of the world
A multi-dimensional world (let's concentrate on our 3-D) I can build it through two families of operations:
extrusion of a point I get a line, a line from a surface, a surface get un volume, dall’estrusione di un volume ottengo un iperspazio.

Nelle rivoluzioni,un volume o una sezione (anche variabile) ruota intorno ad un asse,compiendo un giro completo o parte di esso.
Le curve di Bezier hanno una descrizione matematica data dall’omonimo ingegnere e sono molto usate nella computer grafica perchè ammettono punti di controllo anche esterni alla curva (punti di ancoraggio) che rendono la modifica della linea piuttosto immediata.
operazioni Booleane
Le operazioni Booleane sono quelle di addizione sottrazione e intersezione, con esse è possibile creare una buona parte delle forme esistenti in natura. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank owen gehry
Masse, traiettorie,

L’approccio di Frank Gehry all’architettura è molto differente da quello descritto per Peter Eisenman.Si tratta di un approccio plastico e spaziale all’architettura e non di tipo planare-vettoriale.Le architetture di Gehry possono essere ben comprese se associate al lavoro di scultori che egli stesso frequentò e dunque the sensitivity shown towards the arts (in full swing in Los Angeles 70 years).

architect Gehry's work, however, begins very differently from the one known in the works and more + recenti.L 'approach "computer" is innate in Gehry's architecture as well as in many of the architects "deconstructionist" that join in MOMA exhibition in '88, but the tool reaches the end of a creative process and compositional traditionally dealt with on paper and highlights the potential of a series of computerized communication and construction processes that could not exist without the help of information technology as a database dinamico di informazioni (siano esse riferite alla struttura dell’edificio o alla sua pelle-rivestimento).Il computer quindi entra dalla finestra ed in assoluta sordina come strumento dalle potenzialità sconosciute ed insondate e soltanto alla fine di un processo già terminato (vedi progettazione del guggenheim di Bilbao interamente progettato in maniera tradizionale e con tavole di concorso acquerellate a mano e poi indagato gestito e cantierizzato attraverso l’uso del software)
Assemblare Ancora vivido il ricordo del lavoro nel ferramenta del Nonno,Gehry sperimenta una fase nella quale l’assemblaggio di + elementi crea una composizione finale disarticolata grazie all’uso di materiali poveri,inusuali architecture, combined in open-minded to the respectability of vicinato.L 'influence of pop art is decisive in the use of raw wood, the balloon frame, such as asphalt paving interior sheet metal and enclosure nets. To this period belong the home of Santa Monica in 1978 and subsequent Familian House in Los Angeles, Wagner House in Malibu 1978, Spiller House in Venice 1978-79.
his home in Santa Monica will mark the rebirth in all sensi.Dopo a long period of traditional jobs and lack of depth and thanks to the care of psychoanalysis in the life of Gehry change qualcosa.La security and the desire to change as well as the proximity to the circle artists and sculptors of his friends drag him to a new life experience and lavoro.Chiuso the old studio and fired his former employees Frank Gehry the world to proclaim again the design of his house, with a new family in Santa Monica.
wagner house in Malibu 1978 / assemble, Gehry
Familian home, Los Angeles 1978 / assemble, Gehry

architectures this time are of the open space and thus the vacuum primary composizione.Più that the character of buildings is a scene of a village within which to place the elements of composition.
home for a filmmaker, Los Angeles 1981
remain separate all the other attitudes to space and assembler within a distributed and complex projects in songs extended to the surface, but the tendency to separate steps forward in the Santa Monica Mall, where the central body is clearly separated into two expanding the open space available and creating a series of events (see range) in which the material (aluminum panels galvanized steel and copper panels) along with frames that frame the sky lead along the path of separation.
shopping center, offices and museum Edgemar, Santa Monica 1984-88 California Aerospace Museum, the role of the sculpture becomes a symbol of the whole building advertising the pop ... Article mocks and feeds at the same time the phenomenon of mass. Offices Chiat / Day / Mojo, Venice 1975 and 1986-199 and the invention of the telescope for meeting the sculptor Oldenburg Fishdance, Kobe Japan merge In 1986 an exhibition in Minneapolis insists the world the genius and creativity of Gehry with a great introspective on his lavori.Dall 'inside of a cone structure is visible light dell'allestimento where they are exhibited her furniture compressed board , his plastic works (such as fishdance and fish on the waterfront of Barcelona) and of course its architetture.Ma is the prelude to another period of experimentation and this time, Gehry seems very interested in the work of Italian Futurism, differently from 'Eisenman attention to the kinematics of Balla and for the translation of Duchamp's naked: Gehry is linked intimately to the work of Boccioni and its trajectory in space.
Fondere è l’espressione che meglio racchiude questa esperienza,quasi si trattasse di colate in bronzo da fondere in scultura,in materia scultorea.Il museo Vitra a Weil am Rhein,(Germania 1987-1989)è il preludio ,un primo tentativo di traiettorie spaziali che lavorano alzandosi da terra e creando una skyline inedita perfino per Gehry.
vitra museum a Weil am Rhein,vedi altre foto
vitra museum a Weil am Rhein,Germania 1987-1989 altre foto<<
Poi è il momento dell’American Center of Paris, where plastic is a masterpiece or even recognize the separation of architecture since plastico.L 'field amalgamation of the arts in this work may have finally found an answer? American Center, Paris 1988-93 The head of national offices in Prague and the subject of public opinion surveys and is organized by business functions to the first floor, then offices, and a panoramic restaurant on the corner copertura.Il theme is fixed by welding to the building literally plug contigui.Una buildings of Gehry's best achievements that engages fully with the city of Prague.
Ginger and Fred, the "dancing building" for the national offices in Prague 1992-97
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The concert for the Disney Hall is a multi-functional open space to the town is crossed every project has ora.Il accessibility on all fronts while the entrance Main is housed in the large hole in the road in front of the complex. Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles 1988 ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------

the Guggenheim is an extraordinary feat in which Gehry finally completes the intentions plastic precedenti.A practiced in architecture from the place of the intervention that Gehry choose carefully: an abandoned area near the river, a cheapscape (his favorite) to make money as città.Si whole new engine is a urbatettura, a metropolitan landscape.
The intentions are to create a new cathedral, designed as a new symbolic place in the city of Bilbao and solo.Il landscape that motorists on the stretch of highway between + see is formidable in the world, it was indeed a new cathedral which stands out with its beautiful bell tower and useless as its soft contours and changing with the setting of sole.Il titanium coating gives the museum a metallic look, which makes it even + the idea of \u200b\u200bcasting the molten metal in one piece, as if it were a unique sculpture that draws trajectories in space ( the reference is to Boccioni and how easy it is curious that the combination was the first to speak and write has been prof. Antonino Saggio many years after its construction!)
The program is functional within perfetto.Una machine simply fitting that uses a long gallery of 100 + feet high and 30 for any kind of exhibition of modern art (eg they reside. "snake" Richard Serra) and a 50 meter high atrium for installation in height and to distribute visitors to the other extreme variety and therefore flexibility corpi.Massima spaces espositivi.Una series of outdoor spaces, public spaces are now acting as an attractor for walking fiume.Un along the work that solves a major issue in the city (intersection of disused docks, river, highway layout) by creating a museum iperfunzionale and giving the world an icon of modern architecture, all in one shot. Another thing would be to mention the epic and the technology that allowed its construction and that has changed forever the way of understanding the construction process (at present left still unchanged) Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao Spain 1991-1997 to deepen
moon mechanical laws
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liquefy "Gehry and the nonagenarian Philip Johnson design the house without the networks, to recover. The program provides a mix of 2200 square meters of public areas and private areas for the rich families and different groups of guests. The latest in a long series of versions, has four igloo (dining room, living room, bedroom, study) that are refracted on the surface of water. These volumes are emitted from a meandering drape that ends on one side by the garage (with over the house staff) and on the opposite side of the pool for swimming. On the other hand, a mechanical piece (a sort of retreat house) gets stuck in the lobby-gallery, while the guest house is insulated. Like a glove continually shot on the same internal and external mix and feel a submarine, fluid, marsupial emerges. He inaugurated a new phase or is it just an experi-ence? "(Antonino Saggio)
liquefy is the latest trend (the one still in progress) by Frank Gehry Lewis is undoubtedly the controversa.Casa + is a huge field of research and the project will never be concluded for the continued rethinking of the client but from the plastic and formal experimentation that created the seeds sprout in other esperienze.E 'the case the DZ Bank Building in Berlin, where a piece of home Lewis (head) is finally built in the courtyard of the building is sized esistente.Si is the study of the head of a horse but it could be any other figure, this would have no importanza.Li is arranged the meeting room of complesso.Ma the liquefaction process is only just beginning, and the forms are still contracted and defined as belonging to the plastics and modello scultoreo + che ad un mondo fluido.
ristrutturazione interna dell’edificio della Dz bank di Berlino.

Il vero salto avviene nell’Experience music project di Seattle nel quale la fluidità del gesto compositivo è accentuata da superfici e pareti che hanno sezione a doppia curvatura e che assumono traiettorie esterne ed interne assolutamente diverse e non parallele.Costruttivamente la Gehry’ tecnology è in grado di gestire qualsiasi tipo di manufatto architettonico digitale e cura i rapporti di partnership con qualsiasi azienda entri in contatto con un progetto di Frank Gehry rivoluzionandone il modo di interagire e di dirigere i lavori di cantierizzazione.Una punta di eccellenza nelle costruzioni che è frutto del lavoro di + di 20 anni di “architetture impossibili” (a parere degli altri!)
Se liquefare è l’ultimo dei verbi con il quale poter descrivere il lavoro di Frank Gehry,le sue + recenti architetture sembrano sfuggire alle regole fissate fin’ora (e questo potrebbe apparire naturale) ma non sembra neppure essere il preludio di un'altra tendenza sul nascere.Francesco dal Co sulle pagine di Casabella parla di "smalto sul nulla"riferendosi all'hotel dell'azienda vinicola Marques de Riscal e forse non con tutti i torti.Assistiamo ad un ripiegamento concettuale ed estetico nelle forme che gehry propone e ad un indebolimento fino a scongiurare il grottesco di alcune operazioni progettuali divenute addirittura parodia televisiva (vedi la partecipazione di Frank Gehry nei Simpson).Attenzione però ,questo non vuole essere un facile giudizio,ne la descrizione di una caduta di stile ma è l'esatta descrizione di un mutamento + generalizzato (e non mi riferisco solo all'architettura) ma della società del consumo e della cultura moderna che ricerca nel futile quanto nel sensazionale la sola ragione di vita (+ di quanto sia accaduto in passato e + di quanto la pop-art abbia messo in evidenza).Non mi dilungo su questo punto per non aprire un infinito capitolo sul presunto valore etico oltre che estetico che l'architettura dovrebbe promuovere con forza,nella giungla di pareri discordanti. >>
Per approfondire leggi / peter eisenman - sei punti
/ in particolare -punto 4
hotel Marques de Riscal, Elciego, Alava, Spagna per azienda vinicola.