
Iceberg of Lebbeus Woods ***

Lebbeus Woods ***

uovi ventri è il titolo del libro scritto da Maria Luisa Palumbo sulle tematiche legate alla rivoluzione informatica in architettura (sezione a cura del Prof.Antonino Saggio),incentrato sulla dimensione del corpo e sul suo valore semantico e compositivo nel mondo dell’architettura dal rinascimento ad oggi.Il percorso tracciato dall’interpretazione del corpo che le varie epoche architettoniche hanno dato,riesce brillantemente a riassumere e dare un quadro sintetico degli avanzamenti progettuali legati all’uso dell’informatica e cerca di dare sentore del prossimo salto dal paradigma informatico che stiamo vivendo (il libro è edito nel 2000)verso nuovi ambienti, ancora only perceived and unfathomable in the world of design. The text is structured in three parts: the proportion of the body, the design of chaos, the logic of complexity.

elaborate Lebbeus Woods *** The author addresses through the metaphor of the body, the concept of urban displacement, as an interpretation of the contemporary city made by streams, from distances, from the swarm of information and the chaotic movement and istantaneo.Ideali precedence over the mechanical character of the functional city. The term fluid used in the text several times to describe not only how to talk about virtual environments architectures built able to bend, expand, poised, so to change. "If the architectural form is not given the opportunity to change its processing capacity in which natural forms interact with the environment and its variability, a first step towards the liberation of the shape of its immobility is possible through the deformation topological, or through the geometry of the primitive relations that can stretch, bend, twist a figure in the lead up to its vanishing point, to the point that allows the figure to melt, to dissolve, to become non-figurative, and therefore not recognizable not be compared to a predetermined typologically, to win a new informal nature "

Design Lebbeus Woods, Berlin / war architecture *** If the nature of change today is linked to information and the concept behind the body as a way to emulate in its complexity, the text of Mary Palumbo, attempts to present new developments related to overcoming this basic condition and vital, not only referring to the architecture. The term thus distinguishes the post-organic tendenze legate all'intelligenza artificiale delle macchine (siano esse macchine d'abitare,o sistemi informatici complessi) per sconfinare in comportamenti intelligenti tipici del carattere umano e corporeo.Distinguere volti ,atteggiamenti,toni della voce saranno raggiungimenti che presto le macchine elettroniche saranno in grado di sfoggiare rendendosi prossime ad una condizione di intelligenza e flessibilità di adattamento nelle situazioni più differenti.

Lebbeus Woods /EASA, il lavoro di 25 studenti alla Cooper Union university***

* Maria Luisa Palumbo
she graduated in architecture from the University of Palermo with a thesis on space in society contemporanea.La reflection on the relationship between space and body found in his work application in the field of writing, theater, dance, performance art and towards interdisciplinary research laboratories.

Lebbeus Woods trained as an architect and engineer, and worked for Eero Saarinen and in private. In 1976, he turned to the theory and experimentation, he co-founded in New York of the Research Institute for Experimental Architecture. It 'been a visiting professor at Harvard, Columbia, and the Cooper Union.
Lebbeus Woods / siteline Vienna **
excerpts from the book "new stomach" electronic bodies and architectural disturbances, year 2000, Maria Luisa Palumbo, text and images.
*** note: the illustrations in this post are not contained in the text "new stomach" but illustrate in a cross-sectoral themes of the author.
to deepen:
>> En revolution in architecture

(official site)

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