Imparafacile e l'arte virtuale in metrò Accademia di Brera, Comune di Milano e ATM unite per l'arte digitale
L'arte virtuale torna protagonista della vita reale milanese, thanks to an initiative promoted by the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, in cooperation with ATM and the Department of the Politecnico di Milano Indigo, which had its first trial last July and now is moving towards producing more structured.
The project was launched within the second level called Master Mind (Milan Network for Design), launched last April by the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, under the direction of prof. Ezio Cuoghi. This is a training course which aims to train new professionals able to design artistic works, cultural and service in the fields and in the relational spaces of a city, combining the skills on new technologies to the creative and artistic aesthetic of the new language. Hence the attention of teachers, first of all the IT manager Bruno Aliprandi, to virtual worlds, with their potential in both artistic and educational organization. So back in July some works of students had been projected in the Milan subway, along with works by "artists purely virtual" (Prajna Seetan Rexie and Christian), well known within the SecondLife platform and particularly creative use of this medium.
After this first phase more experimental and quietly, now back to look to the Brera SecondLife with a larger project that will provide a space for students within the Metaverse, where they can work and exhibit their works, which are then transmitted via video of the Milan Metro stations of Porta Garibaldi and Porta Venezia. Contact SecondLife project is John Dalla Bona (aka Imparafacile Runo in Second Life), a long time trainer who uses this medium for educational and cultural diffusion. His is the space made available to the Academy, for which the artist has made achieving virtual Mayo Merlin a structure of great impact to his inspired collaboration with the Brera, deonominata Concordia 2.0.
It will be your photos from this structure to open the new round of content that we see on the screens of ATM stations, in addition to other series of photos and video taken from a large event held last November 25 in the Metaverse. On that date, in fact, several virtual galleries of Second Life, they decided to unite their voices to the chorus of general solidarity arose during the International Day against Violence on Women. The event, called 2LEI, saw ten art installations organized for the occasion, which will now be visible on the screen of the meter through le foto degli artisti coinvolti o i video delle istallazioni immersive realizzate.
In questa prima fase ci saranno le foto dell'artista
Gianmario Masala, per il gruppo Arte Libera e la collettiva di vari fotografi del Metaverso proposta per il gruppo 2LifePhotos.
Locandina della mostra virtuale di Gianmario Masala "Ritratti di Donna"
Seguiranno i video realizzati da Nakoto Exonar per i gruppi Tanalois, Salimar, WDT Planet, PAD, SL Art, CSW Island, The Knot. Referente di Imparafacile Runo per il mondo artistico di SecondLife è la gallerista Simba Schumann.
For Project Information:
Simba Schumann (
For the Accademia di Brera in Second Life: