Saturday, September 18, 2010
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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unpredictable success of Blair Witch Project to Paranormal Activity , the horror film has seen the emergence of a new genre: the horror that is the reality ' horror in real time.
Beyond the possible labels this trend has been the big news of expression of horror cinema, near the eastern wave of the early years of the new millennium.
Reference Titles del filone: Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, Le cronache dei morti viventi, Rec, Rec2, Cloverfield, The Contenders, Il fiore della vendetta.
Il prossimo numero di Ol3Media cerca brevi saggi che possano offrire spunti di riflessione e chiavi di lettura sull’argomento.
Queste alcune possibili prospettive dalle quali analizzare il fenomeno:
Horror in direct and cross-media storytelling,
Horror in live, the fear in subjective
Horror in direct marketing strategies and cinematic
Horror in direct and aesthetics of digital
Horror in live productions and low budget,
Horror in direct digital reading as b-movies of the '70s,
Horror in direct as metacinema,
Horror in direct and styles of script,
Horror in direct and technical director,
Horror in direct contact and bond with the esthetics of the game.
proposals also will be evaluated properly analyze the problem from other angles.
The selected essays will be published in next issue of Ol3Media online in mid-January 2011. The proposals, together with a brief biography of the author (5 / 6 lines), must be received by September 30, 2010 while the accepted papers must be completed and sent by November 10 (if in English) or December 15 (in Italian though) editing necessary.
The length of essays should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words. We welcome hyperlinks to other sites, videos, photos. Jpg image to the maximum size of 200 kb can be sent for inclusion in the assay. Any further information will be sent to the authors of essays selected.
For information and sending proposals: and
Ol3Media is the online magazine Film, Television and Media Studies, Master of Cine & TV, University Roma Tre: / master / RadioTv /
Barbara Maio
Editor Ol3Media
barbara.maio @ uniroma3 . it
Saturday, September 11, 2010
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
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Certo che se mi dovessi basare sulle immagini... |
With the premise that Facebook and Twitter are two very different services (and nothing prevents us from using them both), even though they are two social network is like comparing two images hosting services ...
Without dwelling on the fact that Facebook has many more users, which is important but not useful step in the comparison between two services to its peculiarities.
Facebook and shouts
could not find better name for the Facebook page and its a showcase exhibition of anything, links, photos, games, in short, something to see (sometimes too much and should be used to Purity FB) is forever.
But I do not dwell on Facebook because we all know ;-)
Twitter and its
Home The home of Twitter is comparable to the board of Facebook, a page where we see all the messages of those who follow, photos and video.
fundamental difference , can I follow on Twitter Barak Obama, Lady Gaga, Coldplay, and so on and so forth, and read their messages on my home without them should also follow me!
not believe that they really are?
On Twitter accounts of famous people are checked, if you look at the pages I linked shows "Verified Account".
Possiamo mandare messaggi a tutti e tutti possono risponderci senza doversi seguire a vicenda.
Le foto possono essere postate tramite o , non serve registrazione basta quella di Twitter, esistono tanti siti che offrono tanti servizi, possiamo assimilarli alle applicazioni di Facebbok.
Possiamo vedere immagini e video nella home di Twitter grazie a PowerTwitter , ma avremo il meglio con uno dei tanti programmi per usare Twitter dal desktop.
Su Twitter non ci sono gruppi, ma da un certo punto di vista Twitter è un grande unico gruppo grazie alle hashtag.
Vuoi parlare e commentare ad esempio Xfactor? Scrivi un messaggio includendoci #xfactor4 , cliccando on hashtag you can see what the world says about Twitter live on that.
With the ability to read what it says the world on a given subject at that twitter is a great source of information.
The limit of 140 characters sometimes leads to strive to compress a message, but shall receive the read speed ... and from mobile phone use is a blessing. In a word
Twitter is communication. Giorgio Gaber sing
Maybe Facebook is right, Twitter is on the left.
Twitter is like a concert in the stadium where all are neighbors and talk, Facebook is the beautiful swimming pool blue and transparent, with lots of accessories to try.
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The blog aims to deal with the issue of competence and ease cross-media, a term now much used (and often abused) but which are still too many misunderstandings.
Knowing the power of the writer, I'm sure the blog will soon become a reference point for the study of cross-media in Italy.
Good luck with Conrad and happy reading!
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Soulseek Soulseek chat Direct Connect as an important part of the program, there are many rooms dedicated to particular genres, but the program is not widespread in Italy and the rooms are the largest foreign. The program unfortunately is not multidownload.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
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Monday, September 6, 2010
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official statement from :
rework digital Gianmario Masala
in black and white. At different times of day and different seasons in the photographer
suspect, moving by bike from his home in Caggiano, the southwest area
the agricultural park, fascinated by an area, discovered by accident.
In the exhibition, the photographer describes as "A small portrait of an urban area
single, to be jealously preserved for all that gives to those who lo incontra. Un
territorio fatto di terra, acqua, lavoro, storie….. che spero di riuscire a trasmettere a
chi le guarderà, insieme a un po’ di curiosità che potrebbe spingere tutti a visitarlo”
Nato a Milano nel 1963, dopo il Liceo artistico Mirko Bozzato si è occupato di grafica
editoriale, di immagine e di web. Attualmente svolge l’attività di grafico all’Università
Bocconi di Milano e collabora come Art Director free lance con diverse case editrici di
Milan and its province. Always been passionate about photography has taken his shots "in
drawer" until about a year ago, when I accidentally made them see and he was
Council to share.
field of music and film, an architect by profession, has worked in the Design
international Alchemy (in collaboration with Alessandro Mendini ), and assignments
in the field of public works and of ' school construction in the province of Milan and
Regione Lombardia. Has always used the medium of photography as an aid for his
work. In its research activities both in terms of photo enforcement of shots
from that of digital reworking, is more interested in people
rather than landscapes.
Opening 19:00
with samples of products distributed by South Park Merry Market Corsico
soundscapes / soundtracks selected by DJ Jean (aka Gianmario Masala)
Maria Ferrucci, mayor of Corsico,
Domenico Finiguerra Mayor of Cassinetta Lugagnano,
Rosella Blumetti and Nadia Landoni, Councillor Corsico
Maria Grazia Vantadori, councilor of Gaggiano
Bruna Bremer, provincial councilor
Dario Ballardini for Buonmercato
Antonella Prota Giurleo, artist and curator
Association Humus in Fabula
c / o Ex Railway Station Corsico
via Gramsci 4, Corsico (MI) tel / fax 02/45103113 - 349/4759779-333/4333040
Sunday, September 5, 2010
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Saturday, September 4, 2010
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In other posts will analyze these programs one by one .. stay tuned
Friday, September 3, 2010
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UPDATE 09/09/2010
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