If we thought it was too much even for him accept a dictator and treating him like a king allowing him to do and say whatever he wants we were wrong.
That Mu'ammar Gaddafi, the dictator of his country for 41 years is special to us in Italy, including kissing.
During the dictatorship has become the protagonist of memorable activities such as supporting terrorists, confiscate all the assets and expel the Italians in Libya, in spite of this in the past, our country has found a way to save his life.
More recently, we recall the hero's welcome by Gaddafi to the terrorist al-Megrahi responsible for the deaths of 270 people with the Lockerbie bombing.
The show on the peninsula are to talk about Islam instead convened a hostess for the occasion, and circuses show clothes between the astronaut and the bullfighter.
But all this is nothing compared to the fact that we pay to clerical workers to Libya, and hence its dictator, $ 250 million a year for 20 years with the Treaty of Benghazi.
treatment beyond the provision of infrastructure by Italian companies (who knows friends who) and aid in the rejection of immigrants, even if that should happen in respect for human rights seems no one cares if it is not so.
The magnanimous dictator has also committed itself to take back what Italians in Libya, all always included in the modest sum of 5 billion dollars ... but when one is generous ...
AAA Searching desperately source of information that says this is a dictator and not a harmless old eccentric.